Saturday, September 9, 2017

Pretty Handmades Blog Tour

I am so excited to be part of the Pretty Handmades book tour, Lauren Wright  aka Molly and Mama is the creative genius behind all the projects in this book! It is her first book. Everything Lauren makes is created with so much love, such sweet details! So many darling projects in here!

This book is full of fun little projects with the sweetest little details added to each one. I have so many more projects from here. 

I made these sweet bookmarks! I need to practice up on my embroidery skills, my stitches are not great. Lauren's stitches are perfect!


 I already need to make 2 more because two of my four daughters have already "called" these. And why wouldn't they?

The sweet strawberries with the little french knots are my favorite!  

Keep an eye on Molly and Mama's posts for a fun Giveaway!!


1 Sept