Friday, July 23, 2010

A common place life Round about quilt...

Hi all, before we introduce the winners of the MOD TWEET giveaway, thank you and welcome to all our new followers/subscribers. I have picked 5 comments from Quiltstory, and 5 from Fresh Poppy. If you didn't win here, check there. Also for a really cute girl version of MOD TWEET check out FRESH POPPY as well. CUTE!

Email me your addresses and I will get your MOD TWEET pattern shipped out...

On to today's quilt story... Amy from A Commonplacelife has an AMAZING blog. I am sure you have heard of her or are already following her blog. If no, go check her out for sure. So inspiring. Tons of quilts and other craft projectes. Beautiful photos too.  Her roundabout quilt really caught my eye. What I really like about Amy is how she mixes her fabrics. I am way too scared to mix fabrics like this, but I want to give it a try now!  Thanks Amy...

The original Round About quilt...

So, a few weeks ago I was surprised and flattered by the inclusion of this here blog in Quilter’s Home Magazine’s list of ‘55 Rad Blogs’. You could have knocked me over with a feather – I don’t even blog about quilting! Well, not lately anyway.

I had a lot of fun planning this quilt. I used every fabric from Amy Butler’s Love line and a whole bunch of coordinating Kona solids. I had less fun actually sewing the thing. These blocks were definitely easier to sew then the original Roundabout quilt (which didn’t have seam allowances in the template) as there was less pulling and stretching of fabric. But there are more squares in this one (48 in case you’re counting) and frankly, I got bored.

And, wow, when I was looking at each square individually I (more than once) wondered what in the world I had been thinking with my fabric pairings. I tried to remember that they were puzzle pieces and once assembled they would (fingers crossed) work.

And mostly I think they do.

I’m not sure I’ll tackle squeezing this (77″ x 90″) monster quilt into my machine for quilting. I don’t much like to send quilts out (call me crazy) as the quilting is actually my favorite part (after the designing). But this is B.I.G.

For a fun to follow quilt a long,  come visit my site... a common place life


  1. super duper gorgeous! I want to try one!

  2. I just took a circles class at Mid Appalachian Quilt Symposium (MAQ) and could not decide on a layout. I like your design and I made 36 1/4 circles, so it will be perfect. I took nothing but bright scraps. Thanks for sharing your quilt.

  3. wow i love them both!
    i am impressed :)

    thanks so much for sharing!

  4. i am impressed to see the handy work that goes in to making quilts, the designs, the concepts and the end product are great, simply beautiful

  5. I love the quilt and I'm curious about what kind of quilting you plan to do with this design.

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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!