Monday, August 16, 2010

Lavendar Quilt finish FRESH POPPY DESIGN

Hi, it is me from FRESH POPPY DESIGN...our other great blog, where we show off all our other crafting, quilting, and decor projects. Come check us out...

I have to interupt all the great quilt stories to bring you my (Heather) latest finish...If you know me at all I have ADD. I can't focus on one thing. I want to go from one thing to the next and some projects take me years to finish, or sometimes I just don't finish it at all...

This one I was proud of...

Here is the beginning can read about it here

Here is the finished quilt can read about it here

The basic story behind this quilt is that I realized if I take a few minutes here and there when I can focus my ADD.  I can sew a stack of blocks. Or I can pin a pile of fabric while I am watching a show with my husband. Or I can iron a little pile in the 15 minutes while I am waiting for the carpool to pick up my daughter and have to be downstairs anyway. I always think I need 4-5 hours in peace, maybe a girl's craft weekend, Or a late night. But if I take advantage of the 15-20 minutes I can sneak off and do each day, I can actually accomplish a quilt rather quickly.

So here you have the final product...

This is going into my daughter's room after I finally finish the nursery they are next!

Check out the gorgeous quilting done by my fabulous nice Aunt. Love her! Love her quilting!

Details: Pattern from Livin' Large by Anka's Treasures. Designer Heather Mulder Peterson. Pattern "Modern Day Diamonds"

Fabrics: Most from Little House by FreeSpirit. Various other lavendar prints.

Thanks for looking. linking to amylouwho.


  1. The quilt is beautiful and so girly - something I don't do very often since I only have grandsons and neither one of my daughters is very "girly". By the way, I'm hosting my first giveaway - come by and check it out at

  2. This quilt is lovely -- from the fabrics, to the piecing, to the quilting, it's just beautiful. Nicely done! :)

  3. I really love the design and the quilting is beautiful! Being a quilter with ADD is difficult sometimes--for me, at least, finishing projects is the hardest.

  4. I love this pattern, and have plans to make it... one of these days. I am just like you, I have ADD bad with my sewing. Good job sticking with it and getting it done. :) It is beautiful!

  5. I love how it turned out! I know you aren't the biggest fans of purple or orange and it looks fantastic!!

  6. What a very lovely quilt! It's great to see a way to make a very feminine quilt without necessarily using pink - this is such a pretty combination.

  7. That's a great lesson to learn - I used to be in an on-line group (many years ago, when Compuserve was the only thing out there!) called TMAD - Ten Minutes A Day - the philosophy being that you can accomplish a whole lot in ten minutes each day. And it works!! But those 5-hour blocks are wonderful, too!

  8. nicely done heather!!! it looks so great. :)

  9. This is such a beautiful finish! I'm so glad you shared it! I need to hear that 15-20 minutes is enough. It's like a lesson I have to keep learning over and over again. Maybe I should go sew up a stack of fabric I have waiting around here....

  10. I think your quilt is just gorgeous-congratulations! I have that book and have made it in bright summery colors, but I think I would like to do it again in a completely different color scheme after seeing yours. And I think you have a great border too.

  11. My your quilt is just did a great job on picking out the fabric. Trish

  12. Your quilting is beautiful! I love your sharing the time involved, it really just takes a bit of commitment, and a love of creating, and look what it brings you! it's a great finish!

  13. Beautiful! Thanks for the great reminder about using small pockets of time. :o) Stopping over from Sew & Tell. Happy Sewing! :o)


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!