Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentines Day! and a quilt bliss project...

Hi friends. Hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day.  I intend to. This amazing mini quilt was made for me by Sarah, a sweet girl I met at Quilt Bliss (@honeyguide on Instagram). Sarah had my name in the Friendship Swap and made me this darling heart mini. LOVE.

For the swap, we listed a bit about our preferences, and she got me so well!I think this is just perfection!

Love all the low volume background too.  I will leave this up all year!

Remember this bundle? 

I made these blocks using this fun and simple tutorial from Missouri Star. So easy. Looks like way more work than it was. The only reason I didn't finish was because I ran out of my solid. So now I have to match my solid and finish them off. Wonder how much time that will take?

This is more of what it will look like put together. Cuteness?

I have more to share from quilt bliss next week, my low volume quilt. I am loving it so far...

Have a fun day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! That heart patchwork is adorable and your NEW Project looks exciting! x Teje

  2. Ohhh that new project looks great! I have a bundle of that fabric for 'someday' (when there might be a grandchild on the way). Love the heart!

  3. Gorgeous little quilt! I really like her fabric choices too. I actually used this pattern myself and made a cushion for my husband in soft teals, creams, and reds.

  4. I love the hedgehogs! I have some of that fabric and am so excited to work on my quilt of it!

  5. Love that jelly roll fabric. Pretty adorables.

  6. That certainly is cuteness! Love it and I love Missouri Star:) Hearts are for all year I think, yours is too cute. Love that background too. I want to build up my low volume prints.


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!