Friday, November 14, 2014

Whimsy Houses 2

Hello Friends!  I thought I'd share some of my latest creations that I'm selling on our @inkandbobbin account (on Instagram).

I made my first house pillow for Lucy's first birthday.  She was so in love with it I decided to make a couple different versions for sale.

I have mini pillows that feature a door that opens and closes with cute little fussy cut scenes.

Each house had different fabrics and details.  No two are the same!

Then I offer a larger size.  These pillows have a door and two windows, also with little fussy cut scenes behind each opening.

Lots of little details make these super sweet and fun to make!  I love trying new ideas!

If you or someone you know may like one of my pillows follow our @inkandbobbin account on Instagram for the next sale!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!!



  1. The sweetest thing in the quilting world just now.

  2. The houses are so cute. Would you consider posting a tutorial for them?

  3. These are adorable! My niece would LOVE these.. a Barn would be pretty cute too maybe.. hmmm. Well done!

  4. ADORABLE! What a clever lady you are. Sweet pillows.

  5. Oh clever! These are darling.

  6. Very pretty! I particularly like the details you've added at the base of each roof. They add so much charm to the houses.

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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!