Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fabric Tuesdays!

Welcome to Fabric Tuesdays!! We've been bouncing this idea around forever and we are finally ready to start, and we hope you'll play along and tell your friends :)

First we want to show a fabric finish of our own for the week. Heather and I felt like we had a lot of spare time and hardly anything on our plate, so we decided to sign up for a virtual quilting bee. Essentially every month we receive fabric and instructions from another member, create a block for them and mail it back by the end of the month. This bee happens to be a house block bee. c.u.t.e.

Here is Heather's finish.
This block was totally freestyle. I ended up loving it! It helped that the instructions were for a "wonky" house. I started with the window and put a little gnome and girl with a balloon in it. Then I added shutters...Then I made the little piece with the door and frame. I just kept adding and adding.

The address is just because I felt there was alot of extra space floating on the house. I feel like I should have made it part of her home address, but that genius didn't come to me until I finished the numbers. I hope she likes it!

This is my second block. She wanted freestyle too. At first my house was to tall and skinny and I thought it looked like an outhouse. I added the grass and made it a shorter house and it fixed that problem.
She also gave us some cute owls and little kids playing and wanted them added in. I appliqued them and the tree. I like the final product. Hopefully the lady in my group does too... (if I make them cute houses, I think I will get them back. I am one of the last to send out fabrics) So far virtual quilting bee's are fun!
Now we want to see YOUR fabric finishes!

Here's how our linky party will work.  First, the new button.
Fresh Poppy Design

Link up a recent craft project that uses fabric.
Mention us in your post with either a link or make it easy and add the button to your blog sidebar and you won't have to remember each week.
Follow us, we follow back :)
Oh and comment, because Heather wants to know how great her house blocks look!
Oh and comment on each other, that's so much more fun right??
EDIT NOW YOU CAN SUBMIT! Nothing like starting your first linky party and having the time wrong!


  1. I'm happy to comment as I *have* finished a project, and I *have* mentioned you, and I *do* follow you, and I *LOVE* Heather's house blocks!!!

  2. I don't see the place to add my link ladies?! I have something to add. Great idea!

  3. Love the carefree creativity of those houses! Hope to be brave enough to try them soon!

  4. These are such gorgeous and creative blocks. Very inspiring!! I love your Tuesday idea. Maybe I can try and link something. Let me go and see if I have some photos of a cushion I made recently!

  5. Wow - I love what you made. Very creative!!


  6. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and thanks for making me aware of your blog, Im now a follower :o)
    I havent mentioned you in the post, simply because it was written before i knew about this. Instead I will add your button on my sidebar.
    And the house blocks are really fun :o)


  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I added your button and am going to add a little comment about this being your first link party. Thanks so much for inviting me. And I'm not just saying this because you told me to :-) but I really love the house blocks! Very cute and clever.

  8. I commented previously, but forgot to add that I follow!

  9. Thanks for your visit on my blog. Your button is on my sidebar.
    Your blocks are very creative & fun, I really love the 817 House !

  10. Love the house blocks! And the idea for fabric tuesdays! I love looking at everyone elses links. Oh I follow you guys, and have for forever.

  11. the blocks look awesome!
    i want to join a swap like that ... how fun would it be to get all the blocks back and have your quilt pretty much finished?!

    i linked up but i'm so bummed cuz i actually FINISHED the quilt last night ... bound and everything, but my camera isn't working (and can't find mom's). :(
    oh well ...

  12. Ohhh I love your blog, I am new follower, added my link and now i will post a button...glad you dropped me a line..such a lovely blog...I will even add you to my blog list...blessings ms

  13. sooo cute. i wish i was you. and you're getting pretty famous, too;)

  14. There's some good "stuff" in there ladies!! You all inspire me.

  15. Seriously, those blocks are adorable! I love the mix of fabrics.
    Thanks for inviting us to your link party, I had never been to your little spot on the web, and I love a new find!

  16. I really liked the outhouse bit. They turned out lovely though. Loving the freestyle element. This is also a great link up. Thanks for the invite!

  17. The house blocks are so adorable! What great imaginative designing.

  18. Love the blocks, but especially the second! The children and the owl make it so sweet. Love it!

  19. Thanks so much for the invite to vome over and link up! I have and I'm a new follower! Looking forward to checking out your blog. :)

  20. Great house blocks. Are't they fun to make? You are very creative!!

  21. i AM a new follower, added you to my blog list, added your button and then forgot to comment on your block...well I like it, will the whole quilt be all lopsided lol...
    it is colourful and great use of fabric peeps...great mind of creativity you have there Heather...now I am done lol
    blessings http://sewdollswhosnext.blogpot.com
    madame samm

  22. Finally figured this all out, as my blog is new (and unannounced to my IRL friends yet!). But I am a follower and got my (horrid poorly lit) photo linked.

    I really love the second house block--the fussy-cut appliques are great. Especially the owls!

  23. We're a day late, but next Tuesday we'll play! How fun!

    I LOVE the owl in the tree. It's so adorable!

  24. What a great idea! I want in. I'm not sure of what to do though...if you could email me and help me out. I love, love love your house blocks. I did a whole post about 'house' quilts on my blog a few weeks ago. I am fascinated by them!
    Love your blog!

  25. I absolutely love your quilting blocks!! They are so cute! What a fun idea! :)


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!