Monday, October 18, 2010

FABRIC TUESDAY #9 Come party with us!


My fabric project this week is finally finishing up my baby's nursery. Click over and check it out at Fresh Poppy Design... tons more photos there!

Thanks for all who have been joining us. This has been really fun for us!  Thanks for commenting on each other's projects. 

We have picked just a few cute projects from lasts week link up...

 Jennifer from That girl That quilt...a modern quilt...

 Elizabeth from Don't call me Betsy made a super cute Mug Rug...

 Cara from Me? a Mom? worked up this quilt....

Sew Many Mama's created this quilt peek-a-boo...cute idea!

Thank you everyone for linking up last week.
I apologize to those featured as I didn't have the time to let you know before hand!  If you do not have a Featured on QuiltStory button please email us and we'll get it to you! 

Link up a recent craft project that uses fabric.

New thing make sure to link to your blog post, NOT your blog.
To do this click on the title of your post and then use that url when linking up.

Mention us in your post with either a link or make it easy and add the button to your blog sidebar and you won't have to remember each week. ***You can take either of our buttons on the sidebar.***

Please make sure to link back, we don't want to delete links, so please make sure to link back!

You don't have to do this to link up, promise. However if you want to follow us, we follow back :) But please comment telling us you did so and we will hop right on over and make sure we're following too!

And how about we each take time to comment on the link just before yours, that's easy enough right? We'd love for this to be a linky party where everyone gets comments, so if you take the time to look, take a second to leave a comment!

Love to see what we've got this week!  You fabric lovers are the best!



  1. It's 1 am why am I still up and writing posts about fabric? -Of course! It's tuesday!

    I looove that nursery. I have those same ikea curtains and I'd never have thought to add some fabric to them. Now I feel like I seriously need to!

  2. What a gorgeous nursery! I'm ashamed to say my Bug shared the first few months with the filing cabinets and bookshelves of our former study ;)

  3. Cute nursery!

    And thanks for the shout out! The link to my blog links to another blog though. :)

  4. Thanks for the feature! Would you mind adding a link to our blog please? Tami

  5. Possibly a stupid question, but I want to make sure I follow the rules....

    You sat to mention you in the post or put your button in our blog sidebar. Then you say to be sure to "link back". Is "linking back" the same as putting the button in the sidebar, or is it a separate action we need to take?

  6. I love sew many mama;s peek-a-boo quilt, too cute

  7. Just discovered your blog... I'm a new follower! Thanks for hosting!

  8. I’d like to invite you to a link-up event at my place on November 5th and 6th called, The Airing of the Quilts. I’d be pleased if you could join us, and hope you’ll hop over to my blog and grab the party button so you can help me spread the word.


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!