Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fabric Tuesday Week 12!

Welcome to Fabric Tuesday!!
A place and a day where we share all crafty things with fabric, so please join in!

Hi everyone!  I have had a very busy crafting weekend. Every few months I take a personal quilting/crafting retreat to my folks house. They live in the mountains about 20 minutes away. They feed me well, let me watch murder shows all weekend, my mom offers her free labor on my projects, and they let me spread all my stuff all over their house. I LOVE it. (I think they do too, either that or they don't know how to tell me no.)

Please welcome our new sponsor!

Just last week I got a gorgeous pile of fat quarters in the mail from Randi of  Fresh Squeezed fabrics a super fun etsy shop! Seriously could you just die of gorgeousness?  The line is from Fig Tree, called Breakfast at Tiffany's.

So pretty!  Randi also has a super fun blog with a ton of inspiration!  Tons of projects made with all the fabric she carries in her shop. Like these cute little clutches. I want to make some so bad!

Anyhow, I make about eleventy billion HST's. Oh my word, that was alot of work. Seriously!

I plan to show you a little tutorial for this project in the next couple of weeks...

and the best news of all is Randi has already set aside an identical set of FQ's for a giveaway!  We will be setting that up in the next few weeks too, so be prepared!

Link up a recent craft project that uses fabric

Mention us in your post with either a link or make it easy and add the button to your blog sidebar and you won't have to remember each week. ***You can take either of our buttons on the sidebar.***

You don't have to do this to link up, promise. However if you want to follow us, we follow back :) But please comment telling us you did so and we will hop right on over and make sure we're following too!

And how about we each take time to comment on the link just before yours, that's easy enough right? We'd love for this to be a linky party where everyone gets comments, so if you take the time to look, take a second to leave a comment!

Let's see all the cute projects that I will then have an immense desire to make for myself!


  1. wow your parents rock!!! the giveaway is going to be so fun....and i can not wait to see more progress on you HST project

  2. thanks for the link and the write-up!

    looking forward to seeing the breakfast quilt. i made one with with joanne's previous line, fresh cottons, and i just love it. her florals and colors are just great!

    your parents sound wonderful. what a fun weekend!

  3. Love your blog! I am now a follower & looking forward to being inspired by all this talent.

  4. Oooh I'm looking forward to see what you've got planned for your HSTs, I've got a whole stack of them and can't make a final decision on the layout!

  5. Your parents are awesome and they probably just LOVE it when you come. The fabric you got is beautiful.

  6. Just found the blog ... I'm now a follower and looking forward to Fabric Tuesdays!


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!