Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday Giveaway Palooza!

Today happens to be my amazingly super-talented sister Heather's Birthday!!

Now I would never reveal her age, I am way too loyal to her to do that.  I mean, seriously.
However what I will tell you is that she is much older than me.  7 1/2 years to be exact. :)

Malibu CA 2006 (?)

Sometimes I've found myself wanting to curse her for having a birthday in December.  But then I realized it isn't her fault so I took it up with my mom (or should it be my dad?  Ew.  So not going there.)

There are three sisters in our family.  Our oldest sister Amy is uber talented...especially at making babies.  She has 10.  That's why she isn't able to be in all our crafting adventures...but one day!  All three of us girls (and sometimes mommy too) talk on the phone.  All.  Day. Long.  Really.  If you're wondering, we make it happen with a blue tooth.

Daily we discover our new craft callings in life.  Today I was meant to be a machine quilter (I've officially quilted one table runner) and she an embroidery expert :)  I'll let you know about tomorrow.

I don't know how it happens.  But we always get the same crafting bug.  This time last year we were both knitting hats like nobodies business.  We haven't touched knitting needles in months.  A few years before that we were beading bracelets...making aprons...paper scrapbooking...We have problems. 
But one thing we both LOVE and never waiver.  Fabric.  Quilts.

Do you want to help make this Heather's best birthday ever?!!?
Me too.

My part...I'm giving away some of my own stash to one of YOU!!!
Now I would give that entire stack away if it weren't for shipping charges!!

I am giving away about 2 yards from the fabrics above (if you have a fave let me know I'll be sure to include it) to one of our followers.  So if you already're already entered :)

This is a great way to bulk up your stash...for FREE!

So...if you aren't already FOLLOW us!  I've said it before, but our self-esteem is greatly related to our follower #.  Seriously.  We both get really giddy when we have a jump.

But wait...there's more! :)

I am giving away another 2 yards to a FOLLOWer on our blog Fresh Poppy hop on over :)

Thank you all soooooo much for making our blogs so much fun to do. 
We love and appreciate all of you for your comments, participation, support, creativity, you are all amazing!!

Love you sister.

I'll also be linking to these parties.

Edited to add this giveaway will run for 1 week thru next Thursday December 16th and I will announce the winner Friday December 17th. Thanks :)



  1. Happy birthday! What a nice way to celebrate, and how awesome that sisters can be almost 8 years apart and be such good friends!

  2. Happy Birthday!! what a gorgeous photo as well.

  3. Happy Birthday!!! At the beginning of this year I celebrated my birthday in the same way and I found it great, so for sure you'll love it!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Heather! I have a sister Heather too - she is a twin and I am 15 years older than they and we are the bestest of friends. Have a great day! And I LOVE seriously the doxie dog fabric - my daugther says I am a freak about it... maybe just a bit :) Thanks for a wonderful giveaway-I cant believe I was not a follower? I am hopping over to you other blog...AND sending my daughter over to be a new follower! Peace and Happy Holidays!

  5. Happy Birthday, Heather!!! Woohoo!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!
    I have to say it's wonderful that the two of you share the crafting connection. I'm 7years older than my sister and we don't share much. The bond you have is something to be treasured.

  7. You look like twins--the genes run pretty even in your family, I'd say. ANd, happy birthday. I read daily (or everytime you post). The stories are great!

  8. Happy Birthday.
    The best gift you have for your sisters birthday is that you and your sisters get along so well!
    What a blessing....
    Have a great day to you both!

  9. What a wonderful friendship you and your sister have! Happy birthday Heather!!!

    Great giveaway!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy birthday Heather!

    (And I'd be more than happy to pay the shipping charges if you decide to send that whole stack of beautiful fabrics to me!)

  12. Happy happy birthday, Heather! :o)

  13. Happy Birthday Heather! How fun to be receiving a gift for YOUR birthday. You've got a terrific sister ;-)

  14. Happy Birthday Heather!! Hope you have a wonderful day. I have a great sister also and her birthday was Monday... She is 5 years older and we get along so much better now that we are

    I love that cream fabric with what looks like snowflakes or jacks..and that brown green yellow with flowers? or wheel?

  15. Yay! Happy Birthday and what a fun way to celebrate!

  16. This is so nice of you. Happy Birthday Heather! These all look like beautiful fabrics that would be a great addition to any stash. Those bones are so cute!

  17. Happy Birthday to Heather!!!
    I'm a newbie to the whole quilting world and I am so happy to have found your blogs :)
    TFS! hugs to both!

  18. Happy Birthday to Heather! How awesome that you get along so well that is a gift itself! I am a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks!

  19. Happy Birthday!! This is the only way to celebrate a birthday, with fabric!!

  20. I know your brother and he put me onto both blogs. I love them! I check them every day, which is overkill, because I'm already a Follower of both blogs! Did I mention I love the pink with the star/snowflakes? Thanks for the inspiration! I'm working on my first quilt and you guys keep me going!

  21. Happy Birthday Heather!! And wowie that's a pretty stack of fabrics.. the bones, the polka dots, the one with dog houses and dogs, the paisley... ahh the things we could create together! Hope you have a fantasic day!!

  22. You gals are SO beautiful and you look so much alike! I have a sister that's 6 years older than me and we are best friends too. :) People think we are twins because we look so much alike!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love the flowered fabric with the dark grey background and the one that's third from the top in the stack. SO pretty!



  24. Congrats - my birthday is early next month - everyone forgets. Ew waht were my parents thinking!!

  25. What a great sister!

    Happy Birthday Heather! I love those beautiful fabrics...who wouldn't like anything that's there! =)

  26. Happy Birthday to Heather! make this more interesting, you should have had us mail birthday postcards to her in order to enter the giveaway. Can you imagine how many postcards she would have received???? LOL Great giveaway! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  27. Happy birthday Heather! Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. I'm a Follower here too. You're so lucky to be able to play with your sister!

  29. CUMPLEAÑOS FELIZ Heather!! Ojalá todos vuestros deseos se hagan realidad.
    Conocí el blog a traves Someday Crafts. Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de ganar sorteo cumpleaños Heather.

  30. Happy Birthday! HOpe you have a fantastic year! I follow both of your blogs EVERYDAY! I LOVE THEM!

  31. Yay! Happy Birthday, Sister and a happy give-away. It couldn't be better. BTW, I'm participating in your HST quilt-along....I've almost got the quilt top assembled and am still playing with how it is all going to look. I'm contemplating a border, but haven't made any decisions yet. It will all boil down to time, most likely. How did you quilt your final product?

  32. Happy Birthday! Of course, I'm a follower! I love what you girls do: remind everyone what the true meaning of quilting is! Thank you, and hope you have a fantastic birthday Heather!

  33. Happy Birthday Heather! Hope you had a lovely day! I am a December baby too but my birthday is on the 28th, three days after Christmas so it is a little bit annoying. I am most definitely already a follower, thankyou for the sweet and generous giveaway :) the fabrics look gorgeous, the tree one especially! Thanks again, Hope you had the best day :)

  34. Happy Birthday. I already follow Quiltstory. My favorite colors are the floral/geometrics with orange, green,red colors. My baby sister is coming to visit tomorrow! And, we may be able to see my newborn grandniece (hoping she comes home) who turned 1 day old today! My sister is a sweetheart - she has to be to put up with me! Thanks for the generous bithday giveaway.

  35. Happy Birthday to your sis. Isn't it great to celebrate a sister?

    Thanks for the generous giveaway. What a fun way to whittle down your stash. I saw some darling dog-related fabric in that pile...squares with little dogs and dog houses. I know I could do something quite cute with that. Something that would please our five--yes, five--dogs.

  36. Happy Birthday!!! What a great way to celebrate!

  37. I now Follow (Lauralee Hensley).
    A Belated Big Happy Birthday.
    Such pretty fabrics, like a pretty sister.
    lfhpueblo at msn dot com

  38. Happy Birthday! I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance.

  39. a new follower via Google follower. :)


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!