Thursday, December 1, 2011

Little Island Quilting amazing hand quilting...

Little Island Quilting made this duper darling "word" quilt. See their is a reason we have to buy all the prints! Then she hand quilted the heck out of it! Love it! Here is a great spider web quilt tutorial, must try one! Be sure to check out Little Island Quilting for some cute inspiring projects...

Words Quilt Finish

Many hours of hand quilting later I got to this:

Excuse smudge on lens which makes the pink bit look a bit smeary.

But I just didn't feel it was quilted enough.

So I carried on.

I still think you can transform a quilt so much by densely quilting it.

And then I think the point was reached where both myself and the quilt felt we had spent enough time together and we agreed to stop.

So I could move on to the next quilt.

Kona White with one triangle pieced into the back.



  1. That is just lovely. You did it just enough to keep it snuggly.

  2. I'm a big fan of Little Island Quilting. This is one of many great quilts!

  3. Such care with the quilting! I agree, denser quilting really adds a lot. Lovely placement of all those text pieces.


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!