Monday, February 6, 2012

New Series!! Block of the Month

Welcome to our new series:

Fresh Poppy Design
Starting in March 2012-March 2013 Heather and I will have a new block to share on the first Monday of every month, and in the end a new quilt! 

Each month will have a "theme" we will follow, and we want you to join!  Below is a type of block which will be included in our overall block.  (ex. HST could be a block with any type of design including HST's)

feel free to print this image off and post it in your craft room like me!!! :)

Not only is this a Block of the Month but it is also kind of a Quilt Along.  At the end of the 12 months you'll have a sampler quilt top!  And the great thing is everyone's will look different, it's going to be awesome!

On the first Monday of every month Heather and I will post our blocks and we will have a link-up where you can link your blocks if you participated. We hope you join us!

Now to the fun stuff!  Here are the fabric lines Heather and I are using, we're slightly giddy! :)

So yummy right??  Major happy dances over here! :)

Also we are going to pull from this book, "501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks" for almost every block.  This book can be found here.  I am really excited, the instruction are really clear and awesome diagrams.  On some months Heather and I will do block tutorials.

So what do you think?  
Will you be joining?

Edited to add

Okay okay so you need more details!  Here you go.

Heather and I have more fabric than you need, we have the whole collection of each line. You certainly don't need that much fabric and neither will we!

You do not have to get the book we're using, however if you do you can make the same blocks as us (we'll fill you in on our blocks).  All you need to do is follow the monthly guide and make whichever block you want using that months "theme" ie 9-patch, pinwheel, HST... Does that make sense?  We really want this to be laid back and easy!

In 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks majority of blocks are 12" finished size, so for us that is going to be our finished block size.  At the end of the 12 months, if you piece the blocks the size will be 35" x 46.5".  If you would like a larger quilt top you can add more blocks, sashing and/or borders.  You will need to calculate those numbers for yourself depending on what you want to do.  I probably will make my quilt larger than 35" x 46.5" but I have not decided yet exactly how.  

Fabric Requirements for twelve 12" pieced blocks:
1/3 yard cuts of 2 different prints
1/2 yard cuts of 4 different prints 
3/4 yards of a solid

Also if you'd like us to add your email to our list for updates on the Block of the Month, like which block we're using from the book, a reminder to link-up, etc. please leave it in the comments OR email us directly myquiltstory{at}gmail{dot}com.


  1. Sounds like fun! The fabric you have both chosen is beautiful! I'm wondering about the fabric amounts?There looks like a lot of fabric in your bundles!


    I'm in of course ... so exciting and I really love your fabrics choice!!!!

    How many fat quarters need for the top?
    Thank you so much for this opportunity ...

  3. Sounds like a great idea, I could always do with another BOM :-) 7 is NEVER enough.

    Can't wait to start,thanks heaps.

    Can we have fab requirements please, I have lovely fabrics I might use, depends on amounts.
    Thanks and hugs from Australia


  4. Just downloaded to book.
    Yah, lets get started

  5. Count me in! It sounds like fun. That is a great book!

  6. Hmm, kind of concerned about getting another project going but, then again, it's a great way to FINISH another project! LOL I think I'm in! Looking forward to it!

  7. I really shouldn't add ANOTHER project to my ongoing list, but this is going to be hard to resist. I'll probably give in and join! I really want Backyard Baby!! So sweet!

  8. I'm in. Probably will go scrappy so yardage isn't a big issue for me. Will all of the blocks be the same size? Or will we need to do filler things? Or is it a mystery in disguise?

  9. I will try to follow along with this need to learn as many new blocks as I can.


  10. Oh I really want to join! I am doing Amy's BOM at Craftsy right now too, but I might just have to do two this year. :)

  11. Sounds like fun. I just may have to find a way to squeeze this into my schedule. Please do post some yardage requirements. Need an excuse to shop!

  12. I'm in too. I already own this great book so lets get started...yeah!!!

  13. Sounds fun! With one block a month it is very doable. What size blocks? Is there an estimate on how much fabric should we figure? thanks

  14. I am SO in! Can you tell us the fabric requirements? I will either use the "salt air" or "hello luscious" for it!!! I so can not wait!

  15. Sounds fun! I love quilt alongs!! Think I will join, too!

  16. I'm in!!!!! Yay! Sounds like fun! Will we be getting fabric amounts soon? :)

  17. Like so many others, I have much to do this year, but this sounds like fun so count me in!

  18. Are instructions given for each block or do we need to buy the book before we start?

  19. this sounds like fun. Mine will be scrappy.

  20. sounds fun.count me,please.

  21. Actually, I think I *will* be joining you. I think I'm going to challenge myself to find one of those quilt fabric lines like the two of you are using, which I never buy, and try it all year, see if they grow on me. They look nice in your collections, but I just never buy them. Thanks for this, it sounds like fun. Oh, I've included you on the Quilt Projects page of my blog

  22. Count me in. Now to decide which fabrics to use...

  23. I'd like to join. It sounds like an exciting year. I'm trying to use my stash this year, s don't know what I'll come up with. Thanks for doing this.

  24. I'm in. Just a beginner so I need to learn more blocks. Thanks for everything!

  25. I really like to follow! I'll be back. Greetings from Norway.

  26. Oh I'm in!!!! Im do inspired by your selection of fabrics!

  27. I'm with you all! I'll probably pick out a bunch of scrap fabrics and make a really cute quilt. Maybe I'll do a cat theme this time! We'll see. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  28. Count me in. Looking forward to it. Looking through my small stash now.

  29. I would like to joing in also. Thanks for sharing the source. Looking at the cover and title, I would have thought they were miniatures and wouldn't have even considered the book. I am more intereted in the larger blocks.

  30. I think I'm in. I am a new quilter, and am looking forward to a lid back project like this to hone skills!

  31. Thanks for new project. Count me in! Will probably use from my stash and make several to use for Project Linus (2 chapters)blankets. I am also ding BOM from Amy at Craftsy.

  32. I just bought the book, so count me in!

  33. Hi from Australia. Please count me in as well. Sounds like fun. My email to remind me is
    Love the fabrics you are using.

  34. I will be joining, please send me any updates and information for this fun looking BOM.

  35. This is great. I love both of your fabric bundles, and I already have the book. My e-mail address is

  36. Thought my comment posted earlier this week- guess not. Anyway- I'm joining! need another BOM to try to keep me out of trouble (like that is going to happen) or just to use as fabric therapy ;) email is

  37. Ooo sounds rather interesting. As its just each month no major hassle so think I'll be joining this one. What are the fabric quantities fat quarter wise?? =D

  38. I want to join the fun, how or where do I signup?

  39. I am joining it looks like fun.I especially like The OOh La La fabric. Please send the updates.My email is

  40. hola mi nombre es claudia y me gustari unirme al grupo me encanta la idea mi mail es
    y nos veremos todos los lunes de cada mes

  41. I just recently found you and love your BOM idea! Your fabric is gorgeous! Please add me to your email list for the BOM -

  42. Hi, I'm a little bit late....but I like the block of the month project!!! Nice fabric you have!
    Hugs, Hennie

  43. Hi, Just discovered your block of the month! I personally have this book and really use it alot! I'd love to join in!

  44. sorry, my email is

  45. me encanta!....yo las seguire desde Mexico. saludos!

  46. I would love to try the block of the month project! I'm loving all the yummy fabric you have :)

  47. I'm a little late but would love to be included. I'll catch up with you all :-)!

  48. I am going to catch up to , please add me to your mailing list though!

  49. very nice color combination and beautiful design...I will try this pattern next time.
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  50. Really this is so beautiful quilting fabric. I love the prints over the fabric. Will try to get same for my quilt work.
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  51. This sounds really fun. I agree on the amount of fabric that you have pictured. You could probably use fat quarters, also. Still, this is going to be fun and I want to belong to this project.

    Sandi Timmons

  52. Amazing quilting fabric..where you got this? looking so nice and beautiful.

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  53. Very nice color combination and awesome design...I will try this pattern next time.
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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!