Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fabric Tuesday #121

Fabric Tuesday!  Woot woot!  Heather and I've been working on some projects...as always.  I'm currently making a tag for my little boy's birthday quilt and then it's done.  Yay!  Hopefully I'll have pictures to share in a couple weeks.

Here are some great project from last Fabric Tuesday that caught my eye:

hollys tote

Cosmic quilt

Your Turn!
Fabric Tuesday #121

Link up your latest fabric projects!!  It's fun to find new blogs and see others projects, we'd love if you'd take a minute to look around and comment on others work!




  1. Thanks for always hosting Fabric Tuesday! I'm glad when I happen to have something to link up :)
    can't wait to see ollie's quilt!

  2. Thanks for hosting this party! Yes, I follow you! Have a great day!

  3. So glad to have a quilt show to come to every week and see what other quilters are doing. It always inspired and encourages me!

  4. I love how you highlight a few projects in case we missed them! Thanks for hosting :-)

  5. Thanks for hosting! And I'm so glad you like my hexagon quilt. I can't wait for everyone in the house to be healthy again so I can finish it!

  6. I absolutely love the rainbow flying geese bag and the yellow and grey fabric together, too cute!
    Thanks for hosting! :)

  7. Once again wonderful projects! Love that bag with the circle of geese. Now I´ll have a look at all the other blogs!
    Oh, and I am a long time follower. It´s always nice to be here. :-)

  8. Agh! Thank you SO much for showing my Lemon Sorbet quilt! You guys are awesome! Hugs! ♥RobotMom


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!