Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fabric Tuesday!!!

Sorry I'm late this morning, no real good excuse other than I was tired and lazy last night :) I'll jump right in with some features from last week.  Some fabulous non-quilty projects!!  Lots of great quilts too but I was impressed with all the other awesome link-ups:


Fabric Tuesday #131

Your turn! What fabric projects have you finished lately??



  1. I saw the doodle game last week and promptly bought some fabric to make it for my kids as well!

  2. that doodle game is just adorable :)


  3. Thank you for posting my Narwal quilt! :) The doodle game is so adorable!!

  4. Oh, gosh, you guys - I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to the "finished" part when I linked up. :/

  5. Once again, such fun pics - thanks for sharing my Doodle Game.

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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!