Thursday, November 14, 2013

Holiday Tutorial: Inspiring Creations

Today we have this darling tutorial from Inspiring Creations. How cute and sweet is this? Speaking of cute and sweet, check out Lindsay and her blog!  She is an awesome crafting girl, makes some awesome quilts, she also has some neat tutorials. Her blog is really nice to look at with some great photos. Love this stocking tutorial...

Hi there! I'm Lindsey and I am really excited to be guest posting here on Quilt Story!  A little about me:

I am a mother of three little ones and in my spare time, (which consist of an hour when kids are napping, and a couple hours at night) I like to: read, run, sew, eat, watch Netflix, block stalk,  and bake.  You will find a little bit of everything on my blog: 
Inspiring Creations
So enough about me, let's get to the good stuff!  Today I'm going to show you how to make this darling Monogrammed Stocking!  

This is super easy to make and is like two gifts in one!  You can fill this stocking with goodies or a small gift, plus the stocking in itself is a cute little Christmas decoration that can be used each year! So it's like a two for one deal! :)  How great is that?

Stocking Template (*I just free-handed mine, you can find all sorts of templates by googling "stocking template")
Muslin Fabric 
Small fabric scraps for letter and patches
Ribbon Scraps
Heat and Bond
Letter Template (I also free-handed my letter, you can find free templates online if you aren't comfortable drawing your own)

Let's get started!

Cut out your stocking template and trace it onto your fabric with a fabric pencil or marker. As you can see in the picture I made my stocking a bit bigger and also a few inches longer than the template.  You can really make this whatever size you want.  

Here are your two pieces for your stocking:

Next, cut out a letter template and find a scrap of fabric for your letter:

Iron your heat and bond to your fabric and trace your letter onto the heat and bond: *I traced my letter the wrong way in this picture! You want to make sure you trace your letter backwards, so that it will be the right orientation when you iron your letter on.

Place your letter on your stocking wherever you want it and iron it onto the front piece of your stocking:

Next, choose a few different ribbons you want to use and lay them out:

Now sew your ribbons on.  I sewed down the middle of the thin ribbons and I sewed on each side of the thicker ribbon.  

Next trim your ribbons so that they line up on either side of the stocking.

Now you want to sew around your letter.  I just straight stitched on mine, but you could blanket stitch or even do a zig-zag stitch.  I also used white thread because I wanted it to stand out. 

 **If you want to add the little patches and a button to your stocking now is the time to do that.  I got my stocking all the way done and thought it needed a little something extra and so I added them at the end which was a pain! So to save a lot of hassle, you will want to do that step now!  

To do the patches just find a couple of scraps and iron some heat and bond on them and then cut them into squarish shapes.  Then iron them on, and stitch around them.  Then add on your button. 

Now place your back piece to your front piece so that the right sides are facing together and sew a 1/4" seam around the stocking-be sure to leave the top open! You will hem the top later. 

Turn your stocking right side out and press. 

Fold down your hem about 1/2" and press and pin a little ribbon on the inside like this:

Now sew a 1/4 seam all the way around the top of your stocking:

Now you are ready to fill your stocking with goodies or a small gift! These would be great for teacher, neighbor, or friend gifts.  You can really change the stocking up however you want.  I thought instead of doing ribbon, you could do ruffles! Which would really put a whole new twist on it! Anyway you make this, it's going to look fun and festive for Christmas! And whoever you give it to will love it!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!  If you decide to make one, I would love to see it! You can email me a picture or upload it to my flickr group.  :)

Would love for you to visit my blog Inspiring Creations and you may just find some inspiration of your own! :)


  1. That is a cute stocking and looks like it could be made quickly, for a last minute project, which is usually the case for me!!

  2. Super fun and quick! Great to use as gifts for teachers and stuff goodies in!

  3. Great tutorial! What a fun Christmas sock - I need one!

  4. It looks rather easy, I could probably deliver my Christmas cookies in such this year for a quick Christmas gift, thanks for the idea!

  5. Holidays are meant to celebrate but nowadays students get stuck in their academic routine and don't get time to spend the day with family and friends. Therefore, it is important to get assignment help in Dubai to avail assistance from professionals to take care of the academic workload before the holidays so the students can get the whole day to do all the fun activities and visit some places with family and friends.


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!