Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fabric Tuesday friends!

Time for another Fabric Tuesday.  Last week was awesome, you welcomed us back perfectly!  Lots of link-ups and gorgeous things for us to look at.  Here are some pretties from last week:

2 economy blocks pm


Chicopee pillows B pm

There you have it!  Many inspiring projects.  Speaking of which I have 80 HST's to create and trim today...

Fabric Tuesday #169

Your turn!  Link up a current project that involves FABRIC!  You can link up more than one too!
Take time to visit other links...that just makes it more fun.



  1. Thanks so much for featuring my economy blocks and chicopee pillow. I'm thrilled to have discovered Fabric Tuesday! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the Starring Baby quilt. It was so much fun I am working on another one--related but different--call Twinkle Stars. Hopefully it will be ready for next Fabric Tuesday.

  3. Well, I'm being brave and linking up my very first quilt attempt today. ;) Thanks for inspiring me and for hosting.

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my reindeer cushion!! Jo x

  5. I don't have anything to link up this week, but thank you as always for hosting! It's fun to see everyone's projects.

  6. Heather & Megan, many thanks for hosting the linky! Love the featured projects. Thanks for sharing Marie (mlismore@optusnet.com.au)

  7. There are so many wonderful projects here! Thanks!


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!