Friday, May 30, 2014

Color Strip!

Happy Friday everyone!  Such an odd week since Monday was off...I've been a day off all week!

About a month ago I posted on a local FB page to see if any other moms were interested in doing a busy bag swap.  A "busy bag" (as we defined it) is a small activity for a toddler-preschool age child that can fit in a gallon size ziploc bag.  They are perfect for restaurants, church, dr appts, etc..

The great thing about a swap is we each created our bags eight times, easier and cheaper!  And then we swapped!  I made these Color Strips.  I searched pinterest all evening for my idea.  I just knew I wanted something that used fabric lol :)

I came across a pin from this shop.  It was the perfect activity for me to create!  I stripped pieced the whole thing, they're 4.5" strips CUT (4"  squares finished).  I added ribbon on the end so they can be rolled and tied together.

Most of the items to color match I found at Dollar General but I did pick up a few from Joann (and my own random stuff!).  Every color has at least 3 but some like pink and blue have quite a bit more!

I made 9 (I only needed 8) but my strip piecing made 9 so I may as well!  I have a sweet little niece who would love a game like this so I'll send a little pack her way.

There you have it! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!


  1. That's a really great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love these Meg!! Super cute and practical!

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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!