Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fabric Tuesday IS ON!!

Did you know yesterday was Memorial Day Monday??  That would make today TUESDAY.  Yes my son was an hour late from school and then I received a text from Heather..."Aren't you on the blog this week?"  Oops!!

Okay so because of this I'll just do a couple features so we can jump right into linking!

Lucky Stars quilting detail

Fabric Tuesday!!
Link up below ANY project that includes FABRIC
Link as many as you want!! (within the last couple of weeks)
See new bloggers and comment on their projects!



  1. The projects you've featured are lovely. I can't wait to see what everyone shares this week.

  2. Great quilts featured! My first time linking up here. Thanks for hosting and I look forward to seeing everyone's beautiful work :)

  3. LOL!! Too funny. I think the weekend went by WAY too fast...today should still be Monday in my opinion. ;)

  4. four day weeks always throw me for a loop too! Lovely features today. Thanks so much for hosting!

    :) kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  5. Oh Megan, thanks so much for featuring my quilt this week (the 2nd one from the top)! The pattern was designed by KarrieLyne of Freckled Whimsy for the Hands2Help Challenge and is offered as a free download on Craftsy. It's called "Bountiful"!

  6. I've been seeing a lot of those plus quilts and sew-together bags lately and I love them all. They are both on my to-do list. (I hope I live to be a hundred so I can get all my to-do's done!)

  7. You guys are delicious! thanks for sharing my stuff LOL....love reading that your life is as crazy as mine when it comes to organising time....where does it go? More importantly where can I buy more hahaha xxxx

  8. You're not alone...the holiday has thrown my week off completely too (ie it's now Wednesday and I'm finally linking up!!) Thanks for sharing my Lucky Star quilt :)

  9. I linked up but my picture doesn't show up. Not sure how to fix that. Thanks for hosting!

  10. The featured selections are gorgeous! Thanks for hosting :-)

  11. so pleased to have discovered this linky party. So many beautiful things to look at. I've followed you via bloglovin to make sure I don't miss the weekly party



Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!