Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fabric Tuesday (night)

So...sometimes you spend 4 days with your BFF (Heather) and you have sooo much fun as you play and she helps you discover your new town..and you forget the day you got home late at night is Monday and you need to get Fabric Tuesday ready...

So let's call this Fabric Tuesday NIGHT! Wahoo!

Some awesome quilts last week!!!


Fabric Tuesday #278
Link it up!



  1. Oooh that star pillow is lovely! I'll pop over for a closer look :)

  2. Beautiful selection this week, thanks for sharing them.

  3. Thank so much for sharing my Fancy Forest quilt amongst all of these lovely projects - have a great week!

  4. The Fancy Forest Quilt is adorable!

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Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!