Wednesday, July 10, 2013

LUCKY STARS QAL Patch block...


How are you doing on your LUCKY STARS QAL? It's not too late to start. Play catch up here.

Today we are making 18 of the patch blocks.

From your 32 -2.5" x WOF jelly roll strips, we are going to create these units. Create 4 sets of five strips. (I know there are more in the photo, that is because I cut all my strips in half for more variety, but found it was unnecessary and just extra work)

* IRON SEAMS OPEN, IT HELPS WITH THE PIECING- so we have whatever options we want to create a scrappy look.

From your 32 -2.5" x WOF jelly roll strips, we are going to create these units. Create 3 sets of three strips. (You may want to cut strips in half and create 6 sets of three strips for more variety)

* IRON SEAMS OPEN, IT HELPS WITH THE PIECING- so we have whatever options we want to create a scrappy look.

Cut all of the 5 strip unit, and 3 strip unit into 2.5" widths. You need 54 five square units, and 36 three square units. 

Sew your 5 square units into 3 x 5 sets. (Like photo just below left) being careful to not repeat prints.

Next you will use your leftover HST's from your star block, to the top and bottom of the 3 square unit. Mind their direction to "round" in. (like photo below)

Add these 3 square/HST units to the left and right of you 5 square units.

Ta Da! Now just make 17 more. 18 total!

Have fun, let us know if you have any questions!


  1. Yay! I've been looking forward to today. :)

    On the second step (third photo), it says three sets of 5 strips. Should it say three sets of 3 strips?

  2. Is it Wednesday already? Must get cracking.

  3. Yay! I was looking forward to today's instruction! I've been working on mine. I have the same question as Catherine above me. Is the three sets of five a typo?

  4. I've made half my patch blocks. They are fun.


Thank you so much for commenting! A lot of love and hard work is put into each and every one of these quilts, comments are always appreciated!