We have a cute quilt story to share. This comes from Jean quilted cupcake and these cute quilts she made for her boys this past Christmas. I love the stories behind quilts. Keep submitting quilts to us for features..
Since I started sewing and quilting back in 2009 or so, I’ve wanted to make quilts for my sons. I have such fond memories of my mom making quilts for all of her children, and we still happily use them. Sure, the edges may be a bit frayed, but we treasure them. It’s like having mom here still to comfort us. That I can place my hands over stitches that she made fills me with love (and a few tears).
I finally got both done, and gave them to the boys this past Christmas. It’s taken this long to get pictures because a) I didn’t have anyplace to hang them and b) the boys were hesitant to give them up for washing.
Our newly installed fence gave me a hanging place, so I promised them I’d have them washed, dried and photographed within one day. Success!
My journey to make these quilts for my boys was a long one. My first goal was to finish them for Christmas 2012. I got sorta close – Rob’s was done, but without the binding, and Jake’s was just a quilt top. But, I wrapped them up anyhow and put them under the tree with a promise to complete them. Well, it turned out to take two years, and a complete change of pattern for Jake’s quilt, but I did it! Here’s their stories:
Wonky Improv Quilt
Rob’s is a wonky square with improvisational piecing. I thought that technique was well-suited for him, as he’s my creative thinker and risk-taker. I loved making this, and using the quilt as you go method for it. I learned a lot from the project, including that I wasn’t properly adhering to any quilt as you go method – probably because I didn’t really follow any instructions. Just like motherhood – learn from the mistakes with the first one

It was much easier the second go-round. (also like motherhood).
For both of the quilts, I was sure to include some
fabric from my mom’s quilt stash that I received when she passed. It was kind of hard, as she had mostly calicos and I wanted to do modern quilt designs. But, it worked out in the end, and each boy knows which patches are from “Nanny” fabric – they were both very close to her, and appreciated this idea.
Floating Squares Quilt
Jake’s was originally a coin quilt pattern with browns and blues. I realized after putting off finishing it for over a year that it may have been because I didn’t really care for it. My sister came over for a crafty day on December 12th, and showed me a baby quilt she’d made for a co-worker. I loved the floating squares pattern, and got so inspired that I decided I wanted to make the quilt for Jake in the same pattern as a Christmas gift. We worked together to pick out the fabrics, and I set to cutting. Yes, it was less than 2 weeks before Christmas, but I was a woman on a mission. Yes, I was still quilting on the 23rd and washing and drying on the 24th, but it got done, and Jake was thrilled with it.
I found a new tutorial by Candy Glendening on YouTube for quilt as you go without sashing, and it was a life saver! You can find it
here. Her technique was so easy. I’m sure I would not have been able to finish this quilt so quickly without it. You basically quilt each strip, and then assemble the strips.