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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fabric Tuesday #272

We're baaaaack!!!

It's been so quiet here, sorry about that! Two busy moms with two busy schedules and too many fun work projects! :)  I've been sewing with knit lately (yay!).  Check out my instagram if you haven't seen the cute clothes I made my little lady, @QuiltStoryMeg.  I am also working on a mini and a super cute project I'll share soon!

Okay so here is what YOU have been up to!


Triangle Challenge Quilt Top 

triangle quilt top 


Fabric Tuesday #272

Your turn!
Link up your recent fabric projects!! We'd love to see and share them next week!



Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I don't see the link up button!

Terry said...

Love the white quilt and the pillow.

arabesque scissors said...

Lovely to see you back around again - there's a lot to juggle isn't there?! xx

Teje Karjalainen said...

Thank you for featuring my Mouse Meeting! x Teje