You guys are already busy sewing! Lucky! I still have Christmas messes all over my house! Still don't know where to put new toys and gifts. How to store all the new "after Christmas sale" ornaments and decor. It is a real life mess, and when I say it's a mess, I am not a regular girl that says my house is a mess, I mean it! Ask Meg, she knows how messy my house gets with these 5 little humans that I love running around trashing the house. In fact, it is one of my new year's resolutions (again) just keep my house tidier!
What caught my eye last week...
sew love to sew, manly quilt Christmas gift for her brother...

Creative Shape-moth pillow for a swap, lucky!
sweet dreams by sarah and the darling tumbler quilt

duke says sew what chasing chevrons quilt top...

Keeping this house tidier is a goal of mine this year, too, but so far I'm a big failure! Good luck on yours!
Tidy house? Oh my. You should see my house and I just added another project to my list for this year! lol
Good luck on the housekeeping...but God's blessings on the kidraising! Ever so much more important!
I've been trying to keep the house cleaner. It's been working to some extent although still gets messy by some people's standards.
Thanks for hosting. I love the look of that manly Christmas quilt.
I've still got all the Christmas stuff laying about, and desperately need to tidy up, and I don't even have little ones running around! LOL!
And thanks for including my Ruby Tumblers!!!! I actually "squeee!"'d out loud when I saw that!
Some great makes and ideas on the link up. Kxx
Love the star quilt and Ipad holder on the link up! And THANK YOU for posting my Chasing Chevrons Quilt again this week. So nice of you!
CRAP! I double linked up! I'm so sorry, I plead mommy brain, I forgot I linked up before I went to sleep late last night :(
Just found you and linked up! Thanks for hosting! Added you button to my side bar so I can link up next week too! Tweeted it too!
Thanks for featuring my quilt from last weeks link up. I'm still suffering from post Christmas messy house too!
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