Hip hip hooray!!! Today is Heather's birthday, of which birthday will remain undisclosed. She is 7.5 years older than me, but I will put it in writing (and online) that often people think we're twins. We both just hope they think we're my age :)
How great is this picture!!! I could giggle all day! There are seven kids in our family. I, Megan, am the little one up front. Heather is in the red sweater. This had to be in 1985-6.
One last little story...as I sit here freezing (in AZ!) I am totally reminded of a story growing up. Heather and I often shared a room even though we didn't have to. We lived in Colorado and she being a teenager and me just a kid, she'd stay up late and come in to bed late and wake me up. How did she wake me up? She would attack me with her icy cold fingers and toes!! I have freezer burn to this day... :)
Who would like some fabric??
I love doing giveaways over the holidays! As fabric lovers we know the desire is always there, so let's get you a little bundle for yourself under that tree!!
Kim from Poppy Seed Fabrics has generously offered a
$30 credit to her shop
for one lucky reader!!!
Kim carries some fabulous fabric and her selection is huge! She sells her fabric on POPPY SEED FABRICS. She also designs and sells some really really cute stuff on CUDDLE WITH ALOHA. Lastly she has a fab BLOG with tutorials and all the latest on her shops!
I like to play pretend, so if I won (which I obviously can't) I would get any of these:

I love love love all the Remix lines from Ann Kelle. They are happy and young and modern and I just like them. This may be under my tree afterall :)

Ruffle fabric. Seriously to die for. Saw this in person at market, it's fabulous. If you have a girl and don't have this, WHY?? :)

And this Taza bundle. Seriously. This would be a fabulous addition to any stash!!
1. Comment and tell us about your best birthday!
2. Visit Poppy Seed Fabrics and let me know your favorite fabric line(s).
3. Visit Cuddle with Aloha and let me know your favorite item.
4. Visit Poppy Seed Fabrics the blog and become a follower and let us know you did.
Good luck! This giveaway will run until through Tuesday Dec 13th. Winner announced the following day.

1 – 200 of 384 Newer› Newest»Happy Birthday Heather!!! Thank you for a lovely story! I'm sure you sisters have so much fun doing things together that you don't have time to figth. Me and my sister could do the same but unfortunately we live in different countries. My best birthday was every time I had my sister with me!
I am Poppy Fabric's follower!
My favourite item at Cuddle with Aloha is the apron with London town!
Happy Birthday! Ha ha! I love your kind of fighting. So funny.
My best birthday was when I turned six. It was the 6th day of the 6th month and I turned six. Hello! Most important little girl in the world that day! At least I thought so. I was wearing a puffy pink ski jacket (hello 80's!!) and my grandpa said I looked like a rose bud. Best Birthday ever. :)
Hmm.. not sure of my favorite but I do LOVE that ruffle fabric! My niece would love it too. :)
My favourite fabric line is Alexander Henry's Heath-Crosshatch!
From Cuddle Aloha (love the name!) I adore the Hawaiian summer blanket in orange and brown and the london town apron!!
My 16th - my best friends threw me a surprise party. So much fun, and so silly to think about now!
I follow the Poppy Seed Fabrics blog.
I'm with you, I might have to go with a Remix bundle - I've been lovin that stuff for a while!
Oh boy, that Green Chicken n Eggs apron is calling to me! So cute!!
Happy Birthday Heather! You both look very youthful (I would have to say early 20's) :), so the 7.5 year difference doesn't show at all!
My best birthday was when my husband and I were first dating. He wanted to really impress me, so he baked me a key lime cheesecake. It's really the only time he has ever baked solo (that I have known him), and it still makes me smile to think of the extra effort that went into it. :)
I love the Patty Young Grand Bazaar, Spade bundle. That would be a stash builder for sure!
The Taza apron in pink and aqua is gorgeous and would make baking holiday treats so much more fun. :)
I am also already a follower of Poppy Seeds.
I've had lots of good birthdays but for some reason the one that pops to mind is the year my husband was working away and was home for my birthday. Him, me and the girls went to see Shrek and then went to Pizza Hut. It was just a perfect family day and so good to be together when we had been through some tough times. I loved that day!
Gosh, I just fell in love with the Taza bundle too!
My best Birthday was actually this year. My husband first surprised me with an enormous bouquet of flowers then had a Daimler limo pick us up and take us out for dinner. We shared a small bottle of champagne in the limo, and it was so unlike him that I shall never forget this Birthday.
My 5th birthday was my favorite one :D
Thanks for the chance!
I love the Anna Maria Horner Fabric, Little Folks, Voile , Pastry line!
Love the Taza shapes, full size apron!
I follow Poppy Seed Fabrics blog!
Happy Birthday!! :) Hope it's a great day.
My best birthday, the year I turned 5 - my mother remarried that year and I got the bestest daddy for my birthday present!
From Poppy Seeds Fabrics - I would have to say any of the Grinch fabric is my favorite, I missed the boat on ordering them for Christmas and now my 6 year old says...I want a Grinch Quilt for my bed Mom!
Happy birthday Heather.
My best birthday was quite a boring day (because we were still stuck in hospital) but I had had my much longed for one and only child only thirteen days earlier - what could be a better present?
Well happy birthday Heather! My best birthday was my 30th, I spent it in New York City!
From Poppy Seed fabrics I love Riley Blakes Tuxedo line
I really like the variation of fabric in the Patty Young Grand Bazaar, Spade bundle. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Happy birthday! My favorite birthday was my 16th when my friends had a surprise party for me.
At Cuddle with Aloha I like the apron with London Towne.
Mine was a couple of years ago. We had planned to go to the UK for my birthday (we now live in France) unfortunately is was when the volcano decided to blow it's top in Iceland! We had to postpone for a week but had the best time with family and friends when we eventually arrived.
Been to Poppy Seed and really love Grand Bazaar
I already follow Poppy Seeds Blog
I like Santa Owls Christmas Apron
On my 21st birthday my mom and my aunt took me to the horse races. There was a drawing going on and my mom won a trip to California. Her reaction was priceless!
Poppy Seed has lots of great fabrics. I especially like Grand Bazaar and Urban Zoologie.
Cute things at Cuddle with Aloha. The grinch apron is the best! The grinch always makes me chuckle.
I follow the Poppy Seed blog.
Happy Birthday Heather!!!
I of course could not pick just one thing :) I love the Granite falls, Fat quarter bundle and the winking owls!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
The Green Chicken n eggs apron is my favorite at Cuddle with Aloha!
My best birthday will come next year (I hope) when I turn 30 :)
#2 I love the Grand Bazaar bundles :)
#3 I love this: Taza shapes, full size apron, one size fits all, great holiday gift and stocking stuffer
such fresh colours :)
I follow them already (Google reader)
I follow Poppy Seed Fabrics the blog!!
My favorite birthday was when my husband planned a surprise picnic for me. He really put a lot of effort into it and it was special. =)
Thank you.
I love the Patty Young Bundle...it has a nice selection of oranges in it!
The Hawaiian print blanket is also my favorite, because it has orange!
I already follow her blog! Thank you for the chances to win!
Happy Birthday!
My favorite birthday was when I turned 19. My birthday being so close to Christmas everyone is always busy, but that year some friends actually gave me my first birthday party.
I think my best birthday was my 40th birthday. I live 3 hours from my hometown, so I got a bunch of calls from my family. I got to talk to my dad on the phone for almost an hour. He passed away the following January.
That phone call is tucked away in my heart forever.
Thank you for the chances to win!!
Happy Birthday, Heather!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
Love the Riley Blake and Doodlebugs Tuxedo line in the gray - - it would look so awesome with some pink or yellow mixed in with it!!
Thanks, again!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
My birthday is at the end of June. Which I have always loved. Especially when I was little and the fair would be in town during my birthday. Dad would tell my sisters that I got to pick the first ride, and they had to ride on it with me! LOL, I always picked the ferris wheel, and my sisters always hated it :)
I, too, Love remix and urban zoology from Ann Kelle. Would love any of her bundles.
Happy birthday heather!! My best birthday was when my husband bought me tickets to see Eric Clapton in Montreal. It would be our first overnight date without any kids in 10 years!!! It was the best!!!
I think I {LOVE} Cuddle with Aloha's Santa Owl's Christmas Apron!!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
My favorite fabric is the Ann kelle cuddle night owl in aqua/pink. Love it!!!
And Finally - - I'm following her blog!! LOVE the tutorials!!
Thank you!! Thank you!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
I just love the anime and zigzag full size apron!! It is so cute! My daughter would love it!!!
I follow Poppy seed fabric blog!!!
I am a follower!
I would choose the Fields of Green stash builder bundle!
I love the Owls with holly apron with the pink polka dot pocket. So cute!
One of my best birthdays was the year I turned 23 and had just started dating my husband. He HATES having his picture taken. He gave me a gift card to Olen Mills and a note that said he would go willingly to have his picture taken! We used it a few months later to get our engagement pictures taken!
happy birthday to your sister. I don't have any siblings, and currently just 2 kids, which I've been totally fine with until this summer then I started really admiring large families!!- well I'll stop right here.....
My favorite birthday? hmm, I remember my favorite present but now I can't remember if it was christmas or my birthday in january, anyways I got this small present and it had a small black pouch and a small oil can and some keys in it, very ODD! then my parents took me outside to the garage and the pouch fit a NEW BIKE! I remember being so happy that I started crying! a teal and purple BIKE! I loved that bike, until a few years later when I was on a biking field trip with school, and I got a flat tire and it was too rough for my bike and me on this gravel dirt path, anyways the bike was never the same after that
my favorite fabrics from poppy seed is the Ann Kell one you showed, though I'm partial to black and white, so all the ones from riley blake are nice too
my favorite item from aloha is the owl apron OR the taza shape apron, I don't wear aprons, but these are CUTE!
I just FOLLOWED poppy seed blog :-)
Happy birthday Heather! I hope you didn't get what I got for my 50th. I asked for an ipad and got a puppy!
My three 20 something children decided I needed another dog...... I do love her but she is a lot of work! :)
I am now a Poppy Seed fabrics follower!
My best birthday was my last one - i got to travel and see a roommate that i haven't in a longgg time!
i follow poppy seed fabrics
My favorite onlune fabric from poppy seed is grand bazaar!
My favorite online fabric from cuddle with aloha is the apron in green in grinch
I need to build my stash up and would love any of those fabrics at Poppy Seed Fabrics on Etsy. I do really like the Sugar and Spice by the Quilted Fish and Granite Falls.
Happy Birthday Heather! Hubby surprised me a few years ago with a trip to NYC to see Mamma Mia! We even got to eat at Tavern on the Green before they went out of business!
Ooh, Poppy Seed has this Japanese Anime Girls fabric I want to make my daughter a bag out of. So cute!
I already follow Poppy Seed!
I like that red and black flowers summer blanket at Cuddle with Aloha.
I don't make a big deal of birthdays anymore, and I'm so old now I can't remember most of them LOL.. but this past birthday was pretty nice, DH and my son bought me a French Silk pie.. my favorite, and I ate waaaay too much of it. :)
I love Urban Zoologie by Ann Kelle oh those birdies and monkeys :)
Happy Birthday! My sister is my best friend, I love her to pieces even if we're political opposites. My favorite birthday was when I turned 30 and I was a poor divorced mom living with another poor divorced mom to save money. My mom came over to stay with our kids so we could go out dancing with the firemen to celebrate my birthday. When we got up the next morning, mom was trying a new recipe - fried oatmeal cookies in the electric skillet for breakfast. Her reasoning was that they were oatmeal cookies, so that was sort of like breakfast cereal.
I like the Hawaiin print summer banket pink and black. at Cuddle with Aloha
the ty pennington fabric at poppy seed fabric is my favorite
Happy Birthday! My best birthday was when I was pregnant with our second son and my husband got me a prenatal massage and pedicure for my birthday. Heaven!! Thanks for the chance!
i love the anime apron!
Happy birthday! My best b-day was when my then-boyfriend surprised me with a trip to montreal :)
i'm a follower of the poppy seed fabric blog!
I love Grand Bazaar and Pick A Bunch at Poppyseed...well, those and about a hundred other things!
Love that Taza!
Love that green chicken apron!
I'm following Poppy Seed Fabric blog
I'm following Poppy Seed Fabric blog
I love the Morning Glory chocolate minky fabric from Cuddle With Aloha...cute!
I'm a Poppyseed follower - thanks again!
I enjoyed reading through your posting. I need to say that it was the 1st article on your blog I genuinely enjoyed and in which I had a feeling of agreement, know what I mean? In any case, keep the posting and I’ll be back once again.
Custom Stickers, Vinyl banners, Custom Folders
Happy Birthday! My best birthday was the first one I spent with my now husband and his son - we had a lovely day all together doing some of my favorite things (farmer's market, picnic in the park, out for ice cream), and took my now step-son to the swimming pool. It was all so sweet and I felt perfectly content all day long. We got engaged soon after that day!
My best birthday had to be my 10th--we took a group of girls to a baseball game and I got to have my first and only sleepover!
My favorite fabric line right now is Grand Bazaar from Patty Young. I love the white colorway, and I just saw the blue colorway for the first time, and I love it too!
I do love the Grand Bazaar- especially in the dark blues!
LOVE that Remix....those are my colors... I might just add a bit of yellow...
Happy Birthday Heather!! My sister and I get along great now that we are out of High School!! lol A LOT of years out of High School..
I think my favorite item from Cuddle with Aloha is a the chocolate minky blanket. But all of the hawaiian print summer blankets are beautiful too - I just think I'm not so much in a summer mood, what with the first snow being this morning!
Happy Birthday Heather! I've never been a huge birthday fan so it's hard to remember the best? I guess when I was 6 and my mom threw a surprise party for me, that was pretty cool.
Love that Green Chicken and Egg Apron over at CuddleWithAloha...
Ooh, I'm really into the Grand Bazaar from patty young. I think the Painted Palace is my favorite colorway.
My favorite at Aloha cuddle is the Morning Glory chocolate minky blanket!
I'm following poppy seed fabrics the blog.
THe best birthday is always the NEXT ONE!! And I always pray I will get there...
My best birthday was actually one of my sisters...My parents hired a pony to give rides and i LOVED IT!!
My favorite birthdays were always when Presidents Day fell on my birthday so I got out of school.
I love the Remix colors by Ann Kelle and Robert Kaufman at Poppy Seed Fabrics.
My best birthday memory was when I turned 16--my friends threw a little surprise party for me.
The Rose Cuddle minky boy elephant baby blanket at Cuddle With Aloha is so adorable.
My favorite line at Poppy Seed is Grand Bazaar from Patty Young, Painted Palace. But I really want the ruffle fabric.
I follow Poppy Seed Fabrics blog.
I like the Taza shapes apron at Cuddle with Aloha.
My best birthday when I was a kid was probably my 1940s (thank you American Girl) themed birthday party. It was super fun!
I follow Poppy Seed Blog.
I think that apron with the chickens on it is about the cutest thing I ever saw!
I'm a big fan of the Crazy Pickles custom fat quarter bundle from PoppySeed Fabrics.
I love the chicken apron from Cuddle with Aloha! That's so cute!
I'm subscribed to PoppySeed Fabrics' blog!
Oh, that shop has Amy Butler full moon polka dots! those are the best dots in any and every color!
I don't think I have ever had a good birthday. My family didn't celebrate birthdays, and my husband doesn't believe in celebrating adult birthdays, just children's. The last few years something bad has happened on my birthday. Maybe next year will be better?
I truly hope YOUR birthday is filled with the kind of fun a birthday should have!
I love that poppy seed fabric
My favorite birthday: My 26th when the hubby threw me a surprise birthday party!
I'm following Poppy Seed fabrics!
My best birthday was when my husband threw a party for me with all of our friends. It was the first time I'd had a real birthday party since I was a little girl!
I just love Urban Zoology list on Poppy Seed Fabric!
My favorite Birthday has to be my 6th. That year my Grandparents gave me a 'long' dress...I though I was so elegant lol. Long dresses were all the rage back then.
I just love the Grinch Apron.
I am. New Poppy Fabric follower.
My best birthday was my 2010 birthday. I had gone on a quilt shop weekend with plans to meet an old friend. I got to go, without the husband or kids, no animals to have to take care of. It was the best weekend I have had in many, many years.
My favorite fabric over at Poppy Seed Fabrics is the Tuxedo Pin Dot Ruffles
My favorite item at Cuddle with Aloha is the Cuddle Minky Elephant Baby blanket.
I have become a follower!
My birthday fell the week after my freshman year of college got out and my roommates and I all took a road trip to Cali. It was a blast. Kinda wish I could do it again.
I really would love to get some of the ruffle fabrics. So cute and versatile. Thanks for the giveaway.
Cute fabrics! (I do need to get some of that ruffle fabric!) And I love the family picture! Classic! :)
I think my best birthday was while I lived in Texas. I lived there while I was in elementary school, and my birthday always fell over spring break, which was a week long. One year I had two of my best friends come over and we had a 3 day birthday party, sleeping in a huge tent in our backyard both nights. It was definitely a party to remember! :)
In the Cuddle with Aloha shop I like the Taza aprons best. Thanks again.
And finally I am a follower of Poppy Seed Fabrics.
I am a follower of Poppy Seed Fabrics.
I like the Santa Owls Christmas apron. So cute!
Ilove Ty Pennington's fabric. Thank you for the generous giveaway and Happy Holidays!
I am a Poppy Seed Follower - LOVE her Blog!
My favorite birthday was the year I turned 40 because I spent it with my sisters and we had a wonderful "Martha Stewart" lunch out on my sister's porch...it was wonderful!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I have subscribed to the blog through Google reader :) Lovely blog - thanks for the heads up on it!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
LOVE this orange blanket: http://www.etsy.com/listing/76734647/ooak-hawaiian-print-summer-blanket
I am such a sucker for orange!!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm with you re: the Remix line of fabric on Poppy Seed Fabrics: http://www.etsy.com/listing/86479252/new-remix-colors-by-ann-kelle-and-robert
WOW - I would love to add that to my stash!!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy Birthday!
My best birthday was my 50th when my husband threw a surprise party for me!
I like Metro Living Circles
I love the Grinch apron!!
I'm a Poppyseed fabrics follower!
I LOOOVE that ruffle fabric!
I am loving the remix lines from Ann Kelle. (My sister in law's name is Kellee Ann). They would be perfect for my new baby boy coming in April!!
I like the Taza shapes Pink apron.
I think I was 7 when I got my first bike. Because my birthday is a week before Christmas and it was winter, I got to ride it around the house! That was awesome:)
Oh, my. So many pretty fabrics...how to choose a favorite? At Poppy Seed Fabrics I really like the "Indian Summer" by Zoe Pearn from Riley Blake. Have not seen that one yet, but the colors are so appealing!
"OOAK Hawaiian print summer blanket Red and Black flowers" caught my eye as soon as I reached Cuddle with Aloha. The colors and design are fabulous!
I love your reminiscing! My favorite birthday had to be when I turned 30. I had my sweet baby girl about six months prior. She was and still is the light of my life (along with her beautiful brother). =)
Best birthday? When I was young, we would go to the lake for a week with my cousins. A few times it was the week of my birthday. I always felt so special, almost like my birthday was the reason for going to the lake!
My fave bday was my last, my husband let me pick out a sewing machine and quilting frame! :D
My favorite birthday was my 16th-I got to celebrate in Poland when I was on a 4-h exchange trip...memory of a lifetime!
I already follow the PSF blog. :)
My fave line on PSF is the new remix collection. :)
My fave item on CWA is the MORNING GLORY chocolate minky blanket
Ha! Love the pic! I have seven in my family--4 girls and 3 boys, and I'm the youngest. I'm a follower here!
My best birthday was when I was about 12 and my brother brought me the cutest black and white kitten.
I want the Tuxedo collection!!! Want, want, want....
Already follow Poppy Seed Fabrics. (oops, forgot to leave fav. birthday story above. Not sure I have one but I enjoy all of them spent with my family!)
Love any of the aprons - especially owls.
Cute pic! My best birthday was...my 20th. I had a big b low out bash at my house and had a blast. Nowadays it's relaxed getaways with my husband for our birthdays. I'm not complaining!
Already follow her blog.
I love the Hawaiian print summer blanket Blue, orange and white flowers!
Gotta love the ruffle fabric! I want a summer dress out of that fabric today :)
My best birthday is always just hanging out with close friends and family!
Love the new Remix in celebration - those grays are awesome!
I also follow the Poppy Seeds fabric blog :)
I follow Poppy Seed Fabric Blog
I love "Riley Blake TUXEDO collection" shown on the Poppy seed fabric site
I love the "MORNING GLORY chocolate minky blanket"
I threw a surprise birthday party for when he turned 40. It was a total surprise. Four years later, when I turned 40, I was expecting he'd do the same thing. Nothing, boy was I relieved. He did it when I turned 41, and I was totally unprepared! It was a great time.
I'm with you, I love the NEW Remix colors by Ann Kelle and Robert Kaufman, Remix in Celebration Fat quarter bundle. Outstanding.
I follow Poppy Seeds blog.
My best birthday was going to lunch with my newcomer friends.
I love Urban Zoologie by Ann Kelle for Robert Kaufman!
My best birthday was this past birthday when we were at disney world. I had a button that said "It's my birthday" and I was getting "Happy Birthdays" all day!
I like OOAK, Hawaiian print summer blanket pink and brown florals.
I follow PoppySeeds fabric blog.
I'm about to have my best birthday ~ on a cruise ship! No cooking, no diapers, time alone with my hubby, and beautiful weather! I can't wait!
I love the Indian Summer line and really want to make a dress for one of my girls with the Orchid ruffle fabric - gorgeous!
Happy Birthday! My best one was when I was 21, not because of the usual reason but because my family and friends threw me a party! It was my first honest to goodness birthday party (family dinners don't count as real parties!)
I like the Taza shapes Pink full apron!
I follow the Poppy Seed blog :)
I went to poppy seed fabrics and more than any one thing I like most, I like that she sells fabric by the fat quarter online! So hard to find!
The green chicken apron is the best thing for me on cuddle with aloha!
Happy Birthday, Heather. :)
This year I had a wonderful birthday! Hubby took me to see Jersey Boys Stage Show. What can I say- it was FANTASTIC. :)
I follow the poppy seeds blog!
So many lovely fabrics to choose from at Poppy Seed. I really like the Winter Green Custom Bundle. :)
I have a great fondness for Owls and would choose the Santa Owls Christmas Apron from Cuddle with Aloha!!
I don't really have a great birthday story, I'm not that into my own birthdays. If I can spend an enjoyable day with my family then it has been a good birthday.
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