You know you are a craft freak when you:
You start a project, go on the computer to see if you can improve it, then find another project and you start that one.
Then, you open up your closet..and find ten more projects you didn't finish.
To top it off, you finish a project, and your hubby asks you...when did you get that fabric?
You lie and say...oh honey, I have had THAT fabric forever.....
i can toally relate to the craft freakiness!
Check, check, check, check, and check! Looks like I'm a card carrying queek too! In fact, this morning I heard the courier van arrive and almost broke the land-speed record to reach the door before they knocked. Turned out this particular delivery wasn't mine, but I am expecting one from http://www.etsy.com/shop/pinkcastlefabrics any day now so I might have to be quick off the mark tomorrow morning too...! And you know what...I can't wait. x
OMG, LOLOL!!!! I am laughing so hard.
Kirsty, I do that too ... although I take it a step further and only place internet orders on days that I am relatively certain that the package will arrive during the week when my husband is at work, LOL!! I break the land speed record on Saturdays if the UPS or Fed Ex truck rolls up though! Too funny!
Hello! I have been so happy to find all you friends with the same fabric-love like I have. I agree with all your thoughts.
Even I sew till very late still I just sit and watch the blocks I have made and it feels so good to see the small patches become something else.
I love to iron the blocks and pet the ironed fabric ... perhaps I should better pet my pets!
Have a lovely day and fun reading our strange habits! Teje
Oh my, girls, I can absolutely relate to every single thing on your list!!! Too funny :)
The weirdest thing about us sewing obsessed creatures is the fact that we buy fabric for a special project, but then it takes FOREVER for us to convince ourselves to cut it up. "If I use it, it will all be gone!" like we are going to die and never have another piece of fabric we like again lol. I am trying sooooo hard to get myself over that hump and just CUT IT. There will ALWAYS be more fabric :)
I have to say tho - I never end up keeping projects meant for other people. I'm more the opposite, I start making something and can't convince myself to keep anything because "so and so would LOVE this!" ... one day I will make my own mug rug, place mats, and quilts to keep... one day ;-)
Oh HA!!! I can totally relate. Thanks for posting my I Spy Quilt!!!
And now, how about ...
When you realise your 4 year-old-daughter knows words like selvage, binding, fat quarter, yardage even ...
Or, you plan family meals out to restaurants in which you will pass a quilt or thrift store en route so you can run in quick to check for fabric or vintage sheets ...
check to all of them!! I even got my husband to run an extension cable out to our dock at the cottage so that i can be on my sewing machine while he and the kids swim.
My friends laugh when i tell them I went shopping in NYC and spent most of my money on fabric and notions instead of designer shoes and clothes! i'm grateful that the blogging community of crafters 'get' me!
You know you're a quilt freak when you take your sewing machine with you on vacation!!
Thanks so much for featuring my ruffle bag. That's a smile to start my day with!!
As for craft-obsessed... I've trained my little ones to say things like "seam allowance" and "fat quarter." It's just the language of the house. Even my husband willwalk into a quilt store and practically yell, "Where are the fat quarters at?" just to be silly!!!!
When you get up in the middle of the night to make some changes to the blocks on the design wall...
Thanks for posting these "crafting freak", makes me feel I'm not alone in my obsession!
Check, check, check, check.... haha
Whenever I buy fabric, I sneak it into my sewing room when my hubby's at work and mix it in with the rest! I always feel kinda sneaky... but hey, he gets to buy tons of Polar Pops and video games..In my head this is totally fair! =D
When you dream of sewing and wake up with an idea in your mind...
I can't believe you featured my cushion!!! Thanks so much, that just made my day!
*wipes away a tear* You get me, you really get me....
You know you're a crafting freak when...
...your heart races upon seeing a queen-size duvet cover in a funky IKEA print at the thrift shop for $10.99, and you only need about 15 seconds to calculate the fantastic per-yard price.
...your 3½-year old daughter knows that a serger "sews and cuts" and sewing machine "just sews."
...you post a big finish on your blog then can't fall asleep because you're so excited to have shared it with your peeps.
LOL! I love everyone's comments and am right on board! My UPS man and I talk about fabric whenever he drops off a package (his wife quilts). And yes, "I've had that forever" is a common answer, as is hanging out outside waiting for the mailman when I know the package is going to arrive on Saturday. ...along with everything else. Sometimes I wonder if I should join "Craftaholics anonymous". :)
I have been incapacitated by migraine for a few days but have linked back to my last WIP post, hope that's okay. Hopefully sewing will resume tomorrow... :o)
Have you ever bought fabric with no idea what to make with it, you just needed those beautiful prints in your hands?!
Came across a sale at your favorite fabric shop, so you HAD to buy some, even though you have a dozen WIP's already?!
If at all, I purchase only in cash! No records or receipts to leave a paper trail!
I manage to arrange every shopping excursion or errand run so that I can magically be near either a thrift store or quilt shop. I was at my best cleverness (a.k.a. deviousness) when I realized that a to die for cheese shop just happened to be right next to a great quilt shop. Now I just have to suggest to my Husband that we need... cheese. Ya, that's right, we need... cheese.