Being a quilter, when someone has a grand occasion or someone hurts, I tend to run to my fabric and machine to celebrate or console. Sewing not only gives comfort to the person receiving the quilt but to the quilt maker as well. Sometimes you do everything right, and everything is going right, then there is a moment when it all goes tragically wrong. When someone loses a baby, it is the worst tragedy, you can't imagine what they are feeling or how to console them, there are no words. All I could think was that they needed the warmth and comfort of a quilt to honor their daughter. I made this quilt using the Sherbet Pips line because even though this family member of mine lost their daughter, they also have two older daughters and I didn't want them to think of tragedy. I wanted the parents to think of the the pure innocence, the sweetness, the abandoned joy of childhood. I had bought Sherbet Pips fabrics months before, but had been reluctant to use it before this. Who would be worthy of this wonderful treasure? Sherbet Pips was perfect for this family. I wanted them all to use their quilt and when they did know that I made it to honor their lost daughter. I pieced the back making large Dresden Plates (I found the pattern on Lily's Quilts), they reminded me of The Circle of Life, so I made three, one for each daughter in the family. The Dresden's are machine appliqued on pieces of solid Kona. My goal was to use all the fabric that I had in the line in this one quilt, it was especially made for them, and I won't feel right putting it in anything else. I was very specific to the family that they should use this quilt. It was an honor to put this together for the family and I did it with sorrow and joy and love. For Lily.
I have been talking about this quilt for a few months now. It is on it's way to a special family, wrapped up, weather protected, insured, sign for delivery.

Ever have something happen that sends you reeling and makes you re-evaluate everything? You want to comfort but there are no words?

I first quilted from the back, around the large dresden plates, this showed up on the front fabulously. I love the way Kona krinkles after washing.

My hope is that this family will use this quilt with their two daughters, for snuggling, reading, when they're sick, for a picnic, anytime. And be reminded of the specialness, the uniqueness of each and every life we are granted to steward.

Our lives are like Quilts, bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love.

For Madison - A quilt will warm your body and comfort your soul.

For Alexa - Those who sleep under a quilt sleep under a blanket of love.

Listen for my footfall in your heart, I am not gone, but merely walk within you.

Snawder Sherbet Peeps 2011