This is a good story, you will want to read it all. It is about a missing quilt! SAD. Darci from Stitches and scissors has a super darling blog, and we came across this story and had to feature it! She has a great bunch of tutorials, a fun "sewers interview series" and her blog has beautiful photos too! Alright, read on...
Here is to my Lotus Square quilt. It was a gorgeous quilt that I will always treasure, but for some reason has always wanted to leave me. The first time it left me was when I sent it off to the quilters and the post office lost it and I thought it was gone forever and mourned its loss (really cried since it was over 16 yards of fabric that I bought let alone all the time it took to make it). Then the quilter remembered a note that was left on her door from the post office saying she needed to sign for something so she went to the post office and there it was, my quilt. I did a happy dance and was so excited to get it back from the quilter so that I could bind it and get it on my bed to use and to love. I did love this quilt. I used one of my favorite fabric lines Lotus by Amy Butler which made it extra special to me. Once I got it back and added the binding and washed it, I caressed it everyday since it was just so pretty and a joy to sleep under each night.
The second and final time it left me gets us to the tragic ending to this story. On Monday I packaged up the quilt along with my sheets as we were moving to a different house. I had to leave it in the care of my husband and the movers to get it to the new house as I had to watch my two girls. Side note: Moving with small children is awful especially one that is just walking and gets into everything. Anywho back to the tragic story of the quilt. When the movers came to the new house and we unpacked everything and waved goodbye to the movers we were exhausted! The move took all day 5am - 7pm and all we wanted to do was get the beds made so that we could go to sleep. We got all the bags of bedding upstairs and I started making the girls beds. Then I moved on to my bed and as I was unpacking I found out that I only had the shams and pillows for the bed. The quilt and sheets had gone missing! Where could they be??? We called the movers and they said nothing was left in the truck, then we went back to the house to see if it was left there, nope nothing was left. The ending to this story is a mystery. It could have been stolen as we were all in the house and not watching the truck and someone just happened to steal the bag with my quilt in it or somehow it was thrown away even though my husband and the movers both swear nothing was thrown away.
May I be able to stop being sad and depressed about it all and thinking of all the things I should have done and said to the quilt before I left it. I need to stop beating myself up with the "I should have taken care of it myself then this would have never happened" crap and move on. I know this but still.....it is hard.
The Lotus Squared quilt was well loved for the 2 months that we had it on our bed. It kept us warm and cozy this winter for the small time that it was with us. May it Rest in Peace where ever it is.
Previous Posts about the Quilt...Here is to my Lotus Square quilt. It was a gorgeous quilt that I will always treasure, but for some reason has always wanted to leave me. The first time it left me was when I sent it off to the quilters and the post office lost it and I thought it was gone forever and mourned its loss (really cried since it was over 16 yards of fabric that I bought let alone all the time it took to make it). Then the quilter remembered a note that was left on her door from the post office saying she needed to sign for something so she went to the post office and there it was, my quilt. I did a happy dance and was so excited to get it back from the quilter so that I could bind it and get it on my bed to use and to love. I did love this quilt. I used one of my favorite fabric lines Lotus by Amy Butler which made it extra special to me. Once I got it back and added the binding and washed it, I caressed it everyday since it was just so pretty and a joy to sleep under each night.
The second and final time it left me gets us to the tragic ending to this story. On Monday I packaged up the quilt along with my sheets as we were moving to a different house. I had to leave it in the care of my husband and the movers to get it to the new house as I had to watch my two girls. Side note: Moving with small children is awful especially one that is just walking and gets into everything. Anywho back to the tragic story of the quilt. When the movers came to the new house and we unpacked everything and waved goodbye to the movers we were exhausted! The move took all day 5am - 7pm and all we wanted to do was get the beds made so that we could go to sleep. We got all the bags of bedding upstairs and I started making the girls beds. Then I moved on to my bed and as I was unpacking I found out that I only had the shams and pillows for the bed. The quilt and sheets had gone missing! Where could they be??? We called the movers and they said nothing was left in the truck, then we went back to the house to see if it was left there, nope nothing was left. The ending to this story is a mystery. It could have been stolen as we were all in the house and not watching the truck and someone just happened to steal the bag with my quilt in it or somehow it was thrown away even though my husband and the movers both swear nothing was thrown away.
May I be able to stop being sad and depressed about it all and thinking of all the things I should have done and said to the quilt before I left it. I need to stop beating myself up with the "I should have taken care of it myself then this would have never happened" crap and move on. I know this but still.....it is hard.
The Lotus Squared quilt was well loved for the 2 months that we had it on our bed. It kept us warm and cozy this winter for the small time that it was with us. May it Rest in Peace where ever it is.
I finally finished the quilt top for my bed!
This thing is HUGE. A California King size. Since there is no way I can quilt this on my machine I have contacted someone to quilt it for me who has a long arm.
I am finally finished with my Lotus Squared quilt. It took some time as I sent it to get quilted(my first experience doing this and it was great!) then I had to bind the huge thing. I figured out how to make some shams (just really large pillows) and made a couple of throw pillows to make a complete set. My bed is a large bed with it being a California King Size.
This quilt threw a surprise at me once I washed it. It started out being 90"x 112" which was perfect with room to shrink alittle once I washed it. BUT I washed it and it ended up being 107" x 86" which was way to small on the sides. I cried for a couple of hours about it. All the time I spent making it and now it doesn't fit. I realized that this is only the second quilt that I have used cotton batting and cotton shrinks way more than polyester batting which had to be a part of it. I called my Mom (who I know I have mentioned is a sewing genius) and she mentioned that she has had to turn quilts the other way many times and that I should try that. She said it would not go all the way to the top but who cared when the shams and pillows would cover it. So my friends that is what I did and it is now perfect and there are no more tears.
I really really love it. The colors are amazing. For those that are wondering I used Amy Butler's fabric line Lotus, in the blue and red color way along with Kona Cotton in Ash.
My Luck has Changed.
Well apparently it was I who was lost and not my quilt. Who knew that getting a Thank You card out of my Hope Chest would change my life?!?!?!
I will start at the beginning for those that are just joining in. My family moved right after Christmas. I had just finished a quilt for my bed and had it returned from the long arm quilter and only had it on my bed for 2 months when we moved. In the move the quilt was LOST. My family searched EVERYWHERE. After looking everywhere we gave up becasue what else can you do. I wrote this R.I.P. post and started thinking of a new quilt. Well 1 day shy of 4 months of losing the quilt I FOUND IT!!!!!

My mom and husband each needed a Thank You card last night and at the foot of my bed I keep my Hope Chest that I keep odds and ends in and I went to get one out of there and once I opened it I just starred! Apparently I was making weird noises since my husband comes in and was like what is going on. I couldn't talk and just pointed to the bag that was on top of everything in my Hope Chest. Brett was like, oh is that your quilt????? Hmmmm YES YES IT WAS! I pulled the bag out and ripped it open ran into my parents room and my mom and I just wanted to cry (but we didn't) we just could not believe that I had found it. These 4 months that it had been missing it had been at the foot of the bed the whole time inside my Hope Chest. So close to the bed that it was meant to be on. Hilarious I know. Apparently I was the one that could not remember where it was. Moving does really mess you up!

I am just so happy that I have it and my bed isn't ugly anymore!!!!
I will start at the beginning for those that are just joining in. My family moved right after Christmas. I had just finished a quilt for my bed and had it returned from the long arm quilter and only had it on my bed for 2 months when we moved. In the move the quilt was LOST. My family searched EVERYWHERE. After looking everywhere we gave up becasue what else can you do. I wrote this R.I.P. post and started thinking of a new quilt. Well 1 day shy of 4 months of losing the quilt I FOUND IT!!!!!
My mom and husband each needed a Thank You card last night and at the foot of my bed I keep my Hope Chest that I keep odds and ends in and I went to get one out of there and once I opened it I just starred! Apparently I was making weird noises since my husband comes in and was like what is going on. I couldn't talk and just pointed to the bag that was on top of everything in my Hope Chest. Brett was like, oh is that your quilt????? Hmmmm YES YES IT WAS! I pulled the bag out and ripped it open ran into my parents room and my mom and I just wanted to cry (but we didn't) we just could not believe that I had found it. These 4 months that it had been missing it had been at the foot of the bed the whole time inside my Hope Chest. So close to the bed that it was meant to be on. Hilarious I know. Apparently I was the one that could not remember where it was. Moving does really mess you up!
I am just so happy that I have it and my bed isn't ugly anymore!!!!
You must feel gutted! I can only imagine! I hope that somehow it turns up. It's actually made me think about putting and address or at least am email address on my quilt labels so they can find their way home!
I know how she must have felt... my first quilt I was going to give my my niece but for some reason I just couldn't I wanted to beable to see my very first quilt everyday... I would have cried if I would have gave it away so now (even though it is to small) I can see it every day nicely draped on my daughters bed... I will have to make my niece a different one
O my goodness... I was so sad after reading the RIP post but I'm SO glad I kept reading. That is SO funny that you put it in the hope chest to keep it safe and forgot about it the same day :) So glad it was in there tho... 4 months without it will def. make it that much more special I'm sure. And wow, this is a gorgeous quilt... def. glad it was not trashed, stolen, or simply lost for good! Enjoy snuggling this beauty once again :)
Thank goodness for that! I was getting really cross with the person who "stole" it. I am so glad someone else puts things in a safe place and then can't remember where that safe place is......
oh what a story! I can see from the photo how pleased you are the have your beautiful quilt back :-)
Yay! I love happy endings! And that quilt is GORGEOUS!!! So glad you were reunited :-)
That is too funny. SO FUNNY! I'm glad you found it but sorry about all the heartache it caused along the way. It was having a jolly good game of hide and seek, huh?
I remember reading about that quilt when you finished it and then lost it. So happy for you that it was found! :) Funny how things like that work out. Now you can be cozy under that special quilt and rest peacefully.
A good story with a happy ending. It is beautiful and meant to be with you.
Oh, HOORAY!!!!! I'm so glad your friend was with you all along. :D I would have been "making weird noises", too!
I'm so glad this story has a happy ending!
Glad to know that the precious quilt is on the bed of the one who loves it the most. :-)
It is very beautiful, I can see why you would love it so much. Enjoy!
Great story! I'm so glad you found it :) It's just beautiful.
Things like that always happen to me to the point that I have mostly learned to let it go so I don't embarrass myself.
Happy that you found your quilt and happy that it didn't take longer than it did.
Oh my goodness! I am so glad that your quilt is now on your bed. Maybe it is time to install some sort of tracking device in the binding ;)
i think i am going to die laughing. So glad that lovely quilt was not lost forever.
Thanks everyone! It has been a great ending to a funny and sad story:) this quilt is well loved in our house.
This story made me happy! Thanks for sharing it and your gorgeous quilt!
Such a stunning quilt - so glad you found it again!
I loved following this story as it unfolded, and it's lovely to read it again ... one of my favourite every blog stories :) (and the quilt's pretty fab too!)
I read your whole story and nearly wept with you when you said you found it! Moving is a crazy time, it's understandable that you lost track of it.
Thanks for a wonderful story!
I read your story with a sadness as I imagined how you felt as losing your lovely quilt. I am sure my relief is nothing compared to yours and I am so happy for the recovery!
So glad this story had a happy ending! I love the look on your face. You are so happy to be reunited with your beloved quilt. And I totally understand it.
I'm so glad I read this post days after the original pub date so I could read the final happy ending! The quilt is so cute! It really would be horrible if it was gone.
oh my I just laughed out loud... what a hoot that it was right next to your bed all along! I'm so glad I'm not the only one that does these things. I blame it on post baby brain - I swear sometimes it feels like I pushed my brain out with my placenta!
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