I love this story a lot! Just so sweet and tender. I love babies lots, and I love sewing for them! Nicke from kiss kiss quilt (love that name) made this darling quilt for her daughter Sarah. It helped her heal her heart after a miscarriage. I am glad she got her babies, they are darling, you can see them here.
Four years and three days ago, we found out I was pregnant with our sweet little miss S. We were so excited.
I had a miscarriage a few months before I got pregnant with Miss S. I had so many fears about having a miscarriage and when it happened I was devastated. I was so worried that I would never get pregnant again, that we would never be able to have children, that something was wrong with me, so when I got pregnant again I was overjoyed and very worried. I was so afraid to experience a second miscarriage. Going through the first one was very difficult. Thankfully, I had a wonderfully supportive husband and I had Bob Marley. That song gave me so much peace when I was really freaking out.
I was so excited to meet her! I wanted to pour all of the love I had for her into this quilt so that when she was born and used it, she would always feel special and loved. The design is very simple, just some large pieces stitched together. I wanted a quilt for her that was very simple and dainty. To the simple top I added ric-rac, appliquéd flowers and leaves, then added a ruffle for the binding.
Each flower and leaf was lovingly attached to the quilt by my own two hands.
And lastly, a little note for my sweet little girl.
"...love you angel face."
Throughout my pregnancy I called her angel face.
I remember rubbing my belly often and whispering to her "i love you sweet angel face."
She was the angel that healed my heart after my first miscarriage.
I remember rubbing my belly often and whispering to her "i love you sweet angel face."
She was the angel that healed my heart after my first miscarriage.
a side note...
she sleeps with it every night.
she calls it her super duper extra special blanket.
and one more thing.
xx nicke
she calls it her super duper extra special blanket.
and one more thing.
I still call her angel face.
It fits.
xx nicke

Oh such a beautiful story for a beautiful quilt.
I love this quilt and I love Nicke! Such an amazing story, so glad you shared it!
Sweetness. Thankful for your little girl...
I call my son angel all the time---thanks for sharing that touching story Nicke. I adore the ric rac curled up and all that blanket stitching!
what a beautiful story! and so sweet that her little girl loves it.
yay! thanks for featuring me! it is so fun to share the story of this special quilt!
What a sweet story and a beautiful quilt!
I love Nicke even more now xxx
Nicke is so awesome. This is a beautiful quilt with a story that I know many women can identify with. Thanks for sharing her story today!
so so sweet!
Oh Nicke, I so understand, we miscarried triplets this past January and found out a few months later we were pregnant again. We have just a few more months til Februray and our sweet baby girl arrives. Thank you so much for sharing your story and the beautiful quilt that you made! I haven't been able to make our baby girl quilt yet.
That is so fantastic! I love it! :)
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