Did you see our new sponsor...
How cute is her shop?
We wanted to welcome Michelle and mention her awesome Black Friday sale she is having tomorrow...
- 1 day only (Fri, Nov 25th)
- Coupon codes will be listed in the "Current Specials" section on our website
- Free Shipping on any US order of $75.00 or more (Nov 25th only)
- Also--every order placed during the Black Friday Sale on the 25th is automatically entered into a special Give-Away-(details on this will also be in our "Current Specials" section)
What exactly is a Hypernoodle?
Are you a craft or sew-o-holic who has 2 or more projects going at the same time? Yes
Do you have so many ideas for new projects you don't know how you'll ever complete them all?
Do you have projects waiting in your "to-do" bin that you just know you'll get to one day?...
Then YOU my friend, are a hypernoodle!

Oh it is very cute. I love the duos and trios section. I really do have a hard time putting things together. It is nice to have help.
Yes, definitely a hypernoodle over here! And I like the duos/trios section too, perfect for making bags and purses!
Cute shop. The duos/trios section is nice. I am definitely a hypernoodle x2
Hypernoodle! That new word just cracks me up! And describes me perfectly! I've never seen this shop, so I'm off to have a look! Thanks!
Totally a hypernoodle. I have like a dozen projects going right now for Xmas.
I am definitely a hypernoodle!
I'm a new follower of Hypernoodle. I have sew many projects, I don't know where to begin! lol
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