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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fabric Tuesday friends!

Happy Tuesday friends! I'm super's Meg here and I got into Utah yesterday to be with my family and that's why it's so late :)

I'm going to jump into last weeks Fabric Tuesday with some goodies.

Cherry Christmas Wreath Cushion


Your Turn!
Fabric Tuesday #167



Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD said...

Thanks for featuring my Very British Christmas Stocking Meg and Heather, I've given you a shout out here on my facebook page :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you Meg for hosting the linky while you are with y our family. The project are fabulous. Marie x (

Katelyn @ Sing While Crafting said...

Thank you ladies for featuring my pillow! I am loving all of the other projects yall posted! Thanks for your great linky parties. Merry Christmas! Have fun with your family!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ow wonderful,,

Anonymous said...

here are the findings go to these guys this basics link More Bonuses