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Friday, February 11, 2011

Silverlily colorwheel quilt...

Cute Tyra from Silverlily likes to sew made this super darling color wheel quilt for her playroom wall. I LOVE it. I think it is sweet to make for a playroom. It is so eye catching. Tyra has a great blog with lots of cute quilt projects. Plus she has a darling etsy shop too... thanks Tyra...

I just finished this color wheel quilt.  The pattern is from Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson.  When I first perused the book after I'd gotten it about two years ago from the library, I saw this pattern and thought, that is so pretty but there is no way I could make that.  I was totally intimidated by the curved pattern.  But for some reason we were rearranging our playroom/office/my studio room and I looked at one of the blank walls and thought, this wall needs the Color Wheel quilt.  I pulled out the book and read through the pattern again.  I thought, well maybe it is doable and since I was starting up with the StashPact2011 group on Flickr I thought this would be the perfect first project to start going through my stash.  So I got started on it and once I did, I just fell in love with it.  It came together so beautifully and now that its done I LOVE how its warmed up the room with all its bright colors.

I finished the Color Wheel quilt and hung it yesterday.  YAY!  I took it to the park in hopes to work on it while Asher slept in the stroller and Carver played in the sand (its basically spring time here in California).  Doesn't that sound nice?  Unfortunately Asher had other ideas and decided that he needed to be held.  What's a mama to do?  Luckily both boys napped very well that afternoon and I was able to finish up the binding and hang it up.

I love, love, LOVE how it warms up the playroom.   (Don't tell but I hung it up with push pins...I know... bad bad bad...But it worked!)  I just want to sit and stare at it all day.

It was a fantastic way to utilize the stash and really added some great and needed color to our playroom walls.



bevkimmel said...

Very, very cute and I love how you placed the blue at the bottom. It really draws your eye up from the little blue sofa. I am impressed!

emilyc @ Sew Super Sweet said...

I love this! LOVE! So cheery and pretty!

Holly said...

It's just gorgeous! I've got a colour wheel quilt in the works and this inspires me! It looks wonderful in the playroom!

Rachel said...

Oh it is beautiful! Perfect for the playroom - should definitely inspire some creativity in the little ones :)

Quilty Conscience said...

Very Impressive! I love it!

Jessica said...

Gorgeous! I'm so inspired to make something similar :)

Heidi Grohs said...

Just started following your blog. I have the same book and that quilt scared me immediately.

Now you have me rethinking and I love that you have it in the playroom!!!

Heidi Grohs said...

Just started following your blog. I have the same book and that quilt scared me immediately.

Now you have me rethinking and I love that you have it in the playroom!!!

Emily said...

Adorable! Great work!

Naturally Carol said...

I love the way it brings all the colours in the room together...makes them look coordinated..which is really hard usually with a room full of toys!

Nic said...

Oh wow I love it! So great for the playroom :)

Dorian said...

That's fantastic! You did a great job, and it looks perfect on that wall.

Karen said...

Very nice addition to your play room!

Becky said...

Love it! I've had a color wheel quilt on my "to do list" too! Maybe this'll inspire me to do one too!

the gathering girls said...

I love the color wheel, and btw I use push pins too!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

I agree - so perfect for a playroom. It turned out so beautifully. I've wanted to make that quilt, but it just hasn't felt right yet. Maybe someday...

Lori said...

I love that. I would just sit and stare at it too.

TheTaffs said...

Thanks for all the sweet comments! And a super thanks to Heather and Megan for offering this rad little venue to share this quilt:)

Amy Friend said...

It's beautiful and inspirational in a playroom too! said...

WOW!!! Oh I love love that!!
~Monika in Saskatoon

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