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Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm a Ginger Monkey's fabulous quilt...

Before our gorgeous feature, let me just ask if you've signed up for our Denyse Schmidt fabric giveaway?  Make sure to do so!!  And also, we've got a new advertiser, Ole Frog Eyes, we'd love for you to stop by and see what she's all about.  
Okay on to the great feature!!


Katy from I'm a Ginger Monkey and the fabulous "technicolour yawn quilt!" How great and colorful is this? She made this quilt from all her scraps, ones she hated and loved! For some serious inspiration, you  must go visit her blog...

It all started with this quilt. Fair to say Melanie's quilt haunted my dreams. Still does. In my humble opinion it is the perfect quilt. It ticks every box on the perfect quilt check list.
And, after a while of it haunting me I figured I'd make my own version - not a complete copy, a little different but the same basic blocks.

So I had a practise (and a couple of fails) and came up with this mock up;

scrap vomit mock up version 2

I cut a whole heap of 2 1/2 inch squares and kept them in a little box my friend Nicole sent me long ago in a swap. My plan was simple - I was to use even the ugliest of fabrics, along with some of my most favourite scraps and I wouldn't buy any fabric. (Actually, I had to buy some more of the turquoise blue solid because I used some in something else and then didn't have quite enough...but that was it). The black was from a bed sheet I'd bought from ikea to use as a quilt backing, and the little squares were all from my scrapbox (and from the kind donations of others). Some of you even quilted along with me (although I have to say I wasn't the best leader of a quilt along and fell behind pretty early on).

tidier scraps

My friend and neighbour saw the blocks when I was making the quilt and fell in love with them. So I decided when it was finished it would be her quilt, as a thank you for being such a great friend and neighbour for the past 11 years.

I had it long armed quilted by the wonderful Chris (who chose this art nouveau style fan pattern) and it was bound in more of the same black bed sheet.

scrap vomit - bound and finished!

Now it's all finished. My friend is away on holiday, but as soon as she's home it'll be handed over and begin it's life with it's new family. I expect it'll get used to death. I'm actually hoping in years down the line she asks me to patch up little worn areas or fix tiny holes from it being dragged about the house and garden.

The next time it's my turn in a quilting bee - this is what I'll be asking for. I still have half the bed sheet left and since I started this quilt my scraps have bred and gotten really quite out of control. I think I need a big one, just for me.

et voila!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who quilted along with me and made their own scrap vomit/technicolour yawn quilt. Even though this one isn't mine I think it's one of my all time favourites. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a scrap quilt, is there?



Anonymous said...

You are so right about scrap quilts! Nothing else like them - my favs! Thanks for giving OleFrogEyes a shout-out!
Jacque in SC

Sew Many Mamas said...

I loved this quilt and had every intention of making one of my own... haven't started yet : )
But I wil!!!

Deanna said...

Love it! and most scrappy quilts. = ) What did you use for the back? I can see just a bit of the corner. Is it a solid tan, white, muslin?

Lisa Sipes said...

Oh, wow! I love how the blue really sets it all off!

Lisa Sipes said...

PS - I don't know if it's Firefox being funky or not, but the link to her blog isn't working for me?

Go-Go Kim said...

That is very cool. I had to giggle at the vomit quilt ;o) What a lucky neighbor you have!!!!!!

Quiltstory said...

I believe the links are fixed, if anyone else is having problems please let us know!! The url to her blog just in case is:

Unknown said...

thank you so much for featuring my quilt!!! I feel really honoured!
Deanna - I used a tan coloured bed sheet from ikea for the backing. I'm a big fan of ikea bedsheets!!!

Karyli said...

gorgeous quilt! Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Wow fabulous, and all from scraps!!!!

lll-lll-lll said...


Joy said...

I have 3 small scrap quilts on the go after seeing this one think I had better finish them so that I can start another set. Just a beautiful way to use left over pieces.