Let me briefly stall this great feature to announce the winner of the Denyse Schmidt fabric giveaway. Drumroll....

I already follow you :)
I love sewing for babies! Who doesn't :o) My son and his wife had a baby, my newest grandson, his name is Blake. He was born under the special full moon we had in March. He had heavy competition for a special birthday since his older brother waited to be a New Year's Day baby and his father is a St. Patrick's Day baby. He just needed the right event to make his appearance a noteworthy event and a really good story. He was very successful and I could not be more thrilled with this little guy!
I started making his quilt in December and finally got around to binding it last week when Adam was so sick and I was not able to do much more.
I used this tutorial from The Silly BooDilly. It is super easy to follow and I recommend it highly. I used Erin Michael's Funky Monkey fabric mixed with some Urban Chicks Sweet for the blocks and the binding is Katie Jump Rope. KJR seems to be the perfect accent to almost any project I have ;o)
We have been having unusual weather here so the pictures are not the greatest. We went from this..
To this...
It was crazy :o)
When it calmed down I yelled for Katy to come help hold the quilt up. Poor Katy.
This is the quilt front.
The back
Beautiful Aunt Katy!!!!!!!!!
My favorite monkey!
This was the first time I attempted stippling so I am sure there are many mistakes but I am very pleased with the way it turned out and I cannot wait to send it to Blake.