What a thrill it was to put the very last stitch into this quilt that has been in progress for about 18 years! I pieced this Log Cabin quilt top along with Lisa who was making her quilt for a gift. We went fabric shopping together and prepared our fabric by ripping it into strips as the directions in her book indicated. Then we got together at my kitchen table and pieced our tops while our little girls played all day. It was so fun and such a nice way to spend a day together.
Lisa finished her quilt, but I folded mine up and put it away knowing that someday I would pull it out and finish it. Well, that day has finally come! Hooray!
What do you think of it? The fabrics and colors are so dated, but I still love them anyway.

You can see how crinkly and cozy it is after being washed! I love that about quilts!

This quilt shows off my first attempt at long arm quilting a pantograph design. The design I used was recommended by Kathryn, whose machine I rent time on, as being good for a beginner panto-er, so I went with it and really like it. I should have asked the name of the design, but didn't. It was so fun to do and I love how it turned out!
A nice ball of coziness!

Do you have any old projects taking up space in your sewing room that you would like to finish and put into circulation? Go for it! It's a good feeling!
Happy Stitching!
Fantastic! I had a project that waited years to be finished - and it was soooo satisfying to secure the last stitch in the binding on that one!
It looks great! The colors aren't outdated, just more of a lodge/cabin style. :-)
Congratulations on the finish! It turned out beautiful! I have to admit I have a log cabin quilt that is still not done and I pieced it around 1978 or 1979! I swear I am going to finish it. It is partially quilted by hand and it is huge! I made it to go on the water bed I had at the time and to go to the floor. Last year I finally finished my millennium quilt - yeah, the millennium was over 10 years ago by the time I got it done, but I did it! So I think there is still hope I will get the log cabin quilt done.
Thanks so much Heather and Megan! It's an honor to be featured on your website :)
Looks wonderful! I cannot even get you a count of how many projects I need to finish. Have a good weekend!
It turned out great! I know what you mean about the fabrics being 'dated', as I have a 10+ year old quilt I'm getting ready to finish and feel the same say about. This is definitely a quilt a guy would love, and they don't care about fabric being dated or not! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has some pretty old projects sitting in my sewing room!
Gorgeous! And I don't think the fabrics are "dated" at all! Congratulations on a wonderful finish!
There's nothing nicer to snuggle under than a lovely homemade quilt. The log cabin quilt pattern will never go out of style and neither will these fabrics.
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