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Monday, May 16, 2011

Selvage Quilt by From Three to Insanity

Quilt Market is officially over!  Although by the looks of all the things we dragged into Heather's craft room we'll be working for several more hours.  It's been fun and exhausting.  We have run the gamut of emotions from giddy to crying!!  We met up with a lot of really amazing people and cannot wait to share some pictures and stories with you.  But we're saving that for a couple more days so we can restore some peace to our lives :)

Today we've got Julie of From Three to Insanity.  She's got a great selvage quilt to eye catching!  I love how she's got each block in it's own color, so cute.  After you check out her feature, stop by her shop and see the darling little dresses and other goodies she sells.

It's done!! The Selvage Quilt is done!!

I don't even know where to begin. I am so glad to have this one done - it really was a labor of love. I wish that the photos did it justice, but there are so many tiny details in each piece of selvage that so much gets lost in a picture. I love looking at each individual square, each tiny scrap of fabric, and each memory that goes with that fabric.

The quilt was made using string squares 8" squares, 80 in all, that are sashed in Kona Navy. On average, each square has about 14 selvages, which means that I used upwards of 1,100 strips of selvage. The flannel backing is All Star Blue Dots by Riley Blake. Binding is Alexander Henry's Raindrop Stripe (thank you Amber, for that awesome call).

This was sent to the long-arm quilter - there was no way that I was going to risk unsightly puckers on this quilt. The quilting is slightly more dense than I though it would end up, but I do like the way the pattern plays off of the diamond pattern of the string blocks.

(The color is way off here, but you can see the quilting design easily.)

This quilt was initially intended to be a lap quilt, but I was talked into making it a twin size - the finished size is 68"x85". Because I will still probably use it to cuddle on the couch with my sweetie and because I like some serious heft in my blankets, I had the quilter use two layers of batting when she quilted it. This quilt is seriously heavy - maybe a bit more so than I had intended. That said, it's going to be awesome come next winter.

A huge thank you to everyone who traded or donated selvages for this project - I couldn't have done it without you. Thank yous also to everyone who supported me as I obsessed, complained, and sewed (a lot!) through this project.


Steffi´s Candy Quilts said...

Wow, this quilt is awesome! I just love selvage projects, it is so interesting to look at all the words and color windows, and it´s fun to play with the selvage strips.
I made a selvage quilt, too, so I know how much work it is, but it´s sooo worth the effort.

Amy Friend said...

I have loved this one from the start!

Suburban Stitcher said...

Unbelievable! What a finish :)

Kati said...

Wow! This is really amazing!

Melissa said...

It is beautiful! Congratulations :)

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Gorgeous quilt... I've never thought about doing two layers of batting before?

Sara said...

I wonder if you can get that Alexander Henry stripe at Joann's:) I love all the hard labor you put into this quilt, it makes it sooo worthwhile doesn't it!!

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

I just fell out of my chair. Can not imagine ALL that work of sewing together those itty bitty pieces. You go girl!

~Michelle~ said...

I've actually gotten to see this quilt in real life (LA MQG meeting) and it really is spectacular!

Indianna said...

Fantastic - I love the way it looks 3d - each square looks like a little prism :o)

Charity said...

I'm sure it looks wonderful in person. But seeing as how I can't be where you are, I think your pictures deffinately do it justice. There is so much to love here. It's fabulous!

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

Wow! I love it!! I am collecting my selvages and this may be what I have to make out of it. Was thinking of a spiderweb selvage quilt, but this is so cute too. I might have too many multicolored selvages but I will have to sort them out and see. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

That is one amazing quilt!

Pieces to Love said...

That is pretty cool. One mans trash is another's treasure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Heather and Megan for featuring my quilt and to everyone who commented. I am feeling the love today!

fafaruban said...

I love this quilt, hugs

Laura said...


Tiffany said...

Not just done... done and beautiful! :)

Sylvia said...

Holy "beep", that is awesome!