For those of you who follow me on Instagram (@quiltstorymeg) you may have seen that my very dear friend just had her third baby who quickly became seriously ill from a virus. They were told to say goodbye to their newborn daughter :( BUT sweet baby Kate is STILL fighting a week later. She's amazing and there have been a lot of miracles. I made sweet Kate a quilt and name blanket. I finished up a name blanket for her sister last night. I'll share them all this week too :) Follow my on Instagram to stay up on her story, her mom is so faithful and inspiring.
So what have you been up to??? Here are some great projects from last week, can't wait to see this weeks!

Your Turn!
Fabric Tuesday #173
Link up any recent fabric project.
Such wonderful news to hear about your friend's baby :) And I'm glad you're getting there on your memory quilt, it must be difficult, but will be something so special for you when it's done.
Thank you for featuring my cushion xxx
Great features! Hope your friend's baby pulls through.
Keeping your friend and her new daughter in my prayers this week!
I hope that your friend has good news soon. Its horrible to have a sick baby, but nothing feels better then if they get well.
Still praying for sweet baby Kate! Also, thanks for sharing my sampler quilt :)
Love that plus quilt you featured...I've been thinking I need to make an I-Spy version.
And thanks so much for featuring my Hermione Skirt.
I want to try making the "Layer Cake Sampler from Material Girls Quilts" but I am having a hard time making such patterns since I am just beginning in this kind of craft.
Fabric for dressmaking
Thanks again for the feature ladies. You are awesome. Meg - I'm praying for little Kate and hoping she gets better soon.
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