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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quilt Market Spring 2011...

Quilt Market Spring 2011

Wednesday morning was the first day we could set-up for Quilt Market.  As we drove up to the Salt Palace conference center in a borrowed and very sexy Acura MDX, we weren't the confident women we were trying to be.  I have not had butterflies so intense in ages.  We stepped out of the car to start unloading and we had to hide ourselves because we were so embarrassing and could not stop giggling.  The excitement and anticipation of who and what we were going to see was practically unbearable!!

Two days later.  We were all set-up.
"International Quilt Market is now open!" rings over the intercom.
Megan and I stand on the edge of our booth, brochures in hand, ready to fight off the crowd.
5 minutes pass.
Finally!!!  A vendor!  We stood a little taller.  However, still too scared to say anything.
She gives us a once over and a polite smile and continues on her way.
Instantly Megan is struck with the same desperate feeling Kate Winslet had at the end of Titanic when they were looking for survivors.
In her best impersonation (and with a great pleading look) she barely squeaks out "come back...come back.." was funny.  Good times.

Here is our booth! Walls are sheets from Ikea. My mother in law made them to size.  The coffee table is from my living room , my mother painted it this pale blue! Love it, going to keep it blue. Megan and my Mom painted the flooring, it turned out cute...

 The chandelier turned out beautiful, really was eye catching. I really liked the extra lighting in our booth...Our brothers and my husband came and did the electrical and heavy lifting, and took us out to lunch. Super nice boys!

We had about eight new patterns to share!  We are so bad as they are mostly not in our shop yet...but that is on the immediate "to-do" list.

Looks inviting right?
See the basket on the right?  It was filled with Rockstars and treats from our sweet sister in law!

Heather, Abby (Sew Much Ado), Sara (SewSara), Megan

Watch your toes, I'm about to drop a lot of names :)  Almost without exception everyone was unbelievably nice!!  Amy Butler was as sweet as her reputation, Heather Bailey talked to us for such a long time giving us tips and contacts, Sandi Henderson was sooo nice!!  She was answering all our questions about designing fabric and her methods.  Joel Dewberry and his wife were so sweet and nice, so fun to talk to.  Sarah Jane who we've been admiring for quite some time was just as nice as can be!  There were so many more people we met, that's just off the top of my head.

The blogger's market meet-up was also so fun!!  We met a lot of YOU, and that was such a highlight.  To actually have a few people know us and our blog...Megan and I felt very flattered.

Okay, it is done and over with! Holy cow that was a lot of work! The last month or so has been so stressful. If I had access to anxiety medication, I would have gladly taken it. I don't know how people travel for this thing, we had so much help and support from family and friends, it would have been horrible to do it out of town...good practice I guess...

PS We're BEYOND excited that Kari from Ucreate is doing a post on us today!!!  We absolutely love her blog and were so thrilled to meet her at Market!  If you're visiting, stay a while :)



Ruth said...

Love the booth - wish I could've been there to see it!

Jane said...

Congratulations! Your booth was really cute! I know it was a lot of stressful, hard work. Maybe you can rest now.

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

Your booth looks lovely! Wish I could have been there, one day I'll go to market with all the other cool kids ;-)

randi said...

wonderful! congratulations to you!

Anonymous said...

I love the booth you girls did awesome so inviting and gorgeous.

Funky Kim said...

Beautiful booth! And I missed meeting you at the meet up! Darn it all!

**nicke... said...

I love your booth! I want to come right in to sit and have a chat! I am in love with your on the go pattern. it is adorable!

Jen said...

Great booth! I really love the chandelier. I saw your blog mentioned in the The Quilters Home magazine as one of their top 55 quilt blogs. Congrats!

Amy said...

Congrats you guys. Super awesome time and a beautiful booth ♥ your other stister

Aunt Spicy said...

It looks fabulous! I totally would have stopped by and lingered to chat with you both!

The Baldwin's said...

i loved your booth, it was simply beautiful and you and megan are so talented! i'm so happy i finally got to meet you!! xoxo

The Baldwin's said...

ps thanks for letting me be a "buyer" for quiltstory!

webmailaddress2 said...

Your booth looks totally awesome! I wish I could go to QM one day. So much eye candy!

Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

Thanks for sharing! Your booth looked great! Wish I could have seen it in person.

aimee said...

Your booth looks amazing. Your both are so talented. One quilt market down---many more to go. Good job girls!

XUE said...

Love that you did these names-dropping ! I admire the fact that your booth was an event in which your families chipped in to help. Obviously you have much support from them. It is a very, very pretty & cosy booth. I have never been to any Quilt Show in USA but I hope to, someday. We used to live in Tokyo so at least I was lucky to have been to the Tokyo Quilt Fest & the one in Yokohama too. Have a good week! Lots of hot wishes from Dubai !

Katy @ Lolly Linens said...

What a beautiful booth, I know it brought great things for you.