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Sunday, June 9, 2013

HGTV fabrics, fabric covered boxes...

Have you seen the review of all the HGTV fabrics for Joann's fabrics lighting up the web? I have. I was lucky to get sent some of this gorgeous yardage. Cute huh? 

I decided to make some fabric covered boxes. I just merged a few tutorials from Pinterest and created these  awesome boxes. These just started as some cardboard boxes we were going to recycle.

I made two of them. Cuteness.

Makes for some cute storage boxes. I want to make more and more of them!

Thank you HGTV!



claudia said...

I had seen the cute fabric covered boxes somewhere, maybe pinterest. I love them! I hadn't seen the HGTV fabrics at Joann's yet. Thanks for sharing that.
We have these great sturdy smallish boxes at work that some of our pipe fittings come in. (PVC pipe) They are just the right size and clean so they are great candidates for the covering. I'm going to Joann's ASAP!!!

Kim said...

Those boxes are awesome! Makes everything looks so pretty.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi! Those are fantastic boxes! Beautiful fabric and great idea! x Teje

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I LOVE these boxes!!! :D

Anonymous said...

These tips to much helpful for party hope I am post for my friend These boxes aren't necessary as most movers will wrap your mattress in plastic bags which are much cheaper to purchase. However, boxes will keep your mattress from being punctured or if it's being stored for a while, it'll protect it better from outside forces. Mattress boxes come in many sizes from cribs to twin to king-size.

Used Boxes

Taylor Bara said...

Look at this techniques and learn all of them to make your story more interesting!