It's the night of the "Hawkeye Ball" and all the items that were to be raffled off are displayed. I had a couple fellow Navy wives that were all over my quilt and wanted it bad. One in particular, was partly in charge of setting up all the raffle items ahead of time and had gone to the hotel and took the time to hang and display my quilt with the other raffle items.
My husband and I arrive at the Ball and buy some raffle tickets. They were only $1 a piece, which kinda made me sad. Especially to think that someone could buy $1-$5 worth of tickets and win my quilt, but oh well. So my hubby bought $40 worth of tickets and we move down the line to distribute our tickets. There were some great prizes: Tiffany bracelets, necklace, "Date Night", golf lessons, a Nook, I could go on and on. I dumped a bunch in the date night, my hubby in the golf lessons, some in a "kids pack", and he puts ONE ticket in the quilt bag. You see where this is going don't ya!? As he puts his one ticket in there, I see my friend's husband (the one who hung my quilt) putting a HUGE stack of tickets in there. 100 to be exact.
The raffle begins....Friend who hung quilt wins the 1st prize, a Tiffany bangle bracelet. Said friend wins second prize, a Nook. And so the raffle continues.... We win "Date night" which was $50 gift card at a nice restaurant, 2 movie tickets and a $15 Starbucks card. We're happy...
Raffle continues....quilt ticket is drawn....1st number one claims it....going once, going twice....drawing another ticket.....who wins?.....My hubby! He walks up to get the quilt, gets it, turns around, walks right over to friend who hung the quilt's table and hands it to her. Comes back to our table and asks, "that's what you wanted me to do, right?" "YEP!"
After raffle is over, friend comes up to me and thanks me with tears in her eyes and then tells me that the 1st number called was hers but her husband wouldn't let her claim it since they had won the first two prizes. He wanted someone else to have a chance. So all along, I knew she was suppose to have that quilt!
Come to find out that she had purchased $350 worth of tickets...she deserved every prize she won!
And of course....the rest of the night and all weekend I heard, "sure wish I had that nice new quilt". So now I have to get busy and make hubby a quilt before he leaves on Monday for another month on the ship! (probably not going to happen!)
Thank you Jennifer! That is such a sweet and funny story. I am so glad to hear your quilt ended up somewhere it was truly wanted.
Make sure to stop by the blog tomorrow. I have part 2 of my HST quilt tutorial.
Check out part 1 if you haven't yet.
What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing :oD
I love that story! Even if I do not start a quilt with a person in mind, the owner becomes very clear by the end. It's always such a neat feeling, esp. when I realize I've inadvertently chosen colors they would like or colors in their house.
great story...the quilt is beautiful
Wonderful story, sweet guy, and deserving friend. I love it when everything happens the way it should!
I love that story. Sometimes the joy you get from giving a quilt away is worth more than any amount of money.
Jennifer, your husband is a gem! That story made my morning :)
Aaahhh - that was so sweet. It brought tears to my eyes!! Beautiful quilt too. Jenn
What a wonderful story!
As we approach Veteran's Day. I want to say Thankyou all for serving. To your husband and co-worker for leaving their families to do their jobs. And to you, the family for keeping down the fort.
The quilt is beautiful. I'm sure it's right where it's suppost to be.
Beautiful quilt! Great story!!!
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