Hi all, is summer getting to you? You should have seen the whiny text I sent to my husband this morning...
Wes lost the keys and has been crying for 20 minutes for them. Kenna wants me to order 346 4 x 6 photos from Costco, then go to walmart and get an album, Addie is having a yard sale of lots of toys I haven't approved, I have 4 loads on laundry to fold, 4 loads to still wash, I don't know what to make for dinner, have to take Rylee's birthday invites out, the house is falling apart, haven't exercised, and have a lot of business stuff to do (like this post.) And I feel like I didn't get a weekend because you were gone all weekend, plus it is only Monday!
Sad and pathetic huh? You all seem to be sewing a lot more than me! I have wanted to, but unless I leave the house and go sew with a group, or at my Mom's, I am not getting much done. I am looking forward to getting the children back into school, I will still have 2 little ones, but I know I will be able to sew more!
Last week I was jealous of all the finished quilts! I picked out a few to make sure you all saw them! I want to have some finished quilts!

The Q and the U cute hexagon quilt!

describe happy, her first king size quilt! (haven't done that one yet!)
jaq's studio I think I know what i want to do with my left over pile of hst's! Love the quilting!
The girl who quilts cute improv quilt, don't scrap your scraps!
This summer has been crazy!! I feel the same way you do!
Hopefully you'll get some sewing time in soon! :)
Thanks for hosting!
Your days are not much different to mine, although the weather is somewhat colder in the Sthn Hemisphere. I haven't sewed in 3 weeks and I'm always planning to do more in my head than I could possibly achieve, if only I could have some quiet time...
Wow, hang in there. I have currently decided to do "spring cleaning" at my house with my two 'helpers'. Fun stuff. Thanks so much for featuring my I Spy Planet Hexy Quilt. This is definitely one of my favourite linky parties. Cheers, Riel
Hang in there! I feel the same way -- we were gone again this weekend and now I'm so behind!
They are all lovely quilts, aren't they?
Hang in there - they're only yours for a short time.
I so understand that feeling! Not kong now to September!!
I have had one of those days too!!!!!!
Oh, I so know what those days feel like! Keep your chin up and think of all that you can smile at. And thank you so much for featuring my quilt!! I still can't believe I tackled a king size. Much love!
Thanks for featuring my quilt!
I hope today is a better day, I'm counting down the days until preschool starts.
Love that Hexie quilt by Q & U. I linked up but it accidentally put mine in twice. The first time it said there was a mistake and it didn't go through so I did it again. Then, of course, there were two links to me and I can't figure out how to remove one. Oh well!
I've linked up for the first time! I'm glad I found your blog!
PS - I'm now following Quiltstory. Y'all can follow me back at wentworthcountyquiltworks.blogspot.com. Thanks!
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