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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who wants some fabric??

Heather and I have a serious addiction that we share with many many of you :)  Fabric.  I adore it.  I stare at my stash at least 20 minutes a day and I try to do it for more.  I pet it, name it, laugh with it.  When my honey was gone we had some good conversations.  I dream of the things we'll do together.  Ahhhh...fabric.

Well our friends Annie and Lorna from Sew Obsessed have another great fabric giveaway for you today!!  Wahoo!!  These girlies just ooze with creativity, check out Annie's latest tutorial on Originate and Renovate:

myspace graphic at Gickr

Darling right??  And the Mermaid fabric is coming to their shop.  Just added something to my list :)

Wanna see the the giveaway??


1 yard of In Transit from Michael Miller

We've kind of had a boy themed week here, wouldn't this be a great addition to your stash???  I can never have enough boy fabric in my stash.  Even though I'm the only lady in my house I have plenty of pink and floral fabrics!!

And you have until Saturday to save 30% on your entire purchase using the code SEPTEMBER

How to win:
please leave a separate comment for each
if you are a no-reply blogger please leave your email

1. Visit Sew Obsessed and tell us your favorite item! This is my current crush :)
2. Become a follower of ours or tell us if you already are
3. Follow Annie's blog Originate and Renovate
4. "Like" Sew Obsessed on Facebook

This giveaway is now closed.



Jocelyn said...

Heather Bailey's Hello Roses in Cream is my favorite item. I virtually have no boy fabric, even though I have two (bigger) boys. I've just always had a weakness for florals :-)

Jocelyn said...

I am a follower of your blog ;-)

Gill said...

I love the Sugar Pop line

Gill said...

I follow you!

Gill said...

I follow Annie!

Susan said...

I LOVE the "On Parade" embroidery pattern! Would go so well with the Sarah Jane fabric too!

WandaFish said...

I love the 1/2 yard bundle of Sugar Line by Art Gallery Fabrics - so scrummy!
Thanks for the cute giveaway!

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh! I love the Sweet Tooth Bundle in her shop. I'm into bundles, because then I get a variety of fabrics, which is lots of fun!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I follow your lovely site! =)

Anonymous said...

I also follower her blog! =)

I don't have FB, but thank you for these chances to win!

Jennifer Joshua said...

I am your follower

Jennifer Joshua said...

I love the smarty girl book bag....

Wendy said...

I love the Story book line, perfect for little ones.

Wendy said...

I'm a follower

the gathering girls said...

I'm a follower!

the gathering girls said...

I love the Sarah Jane embroidery!!

Belinda said...

Oh I love this!!! The transit is awesome!!!

Belinda said...

I am a happy follower!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

There were so many things to choose from but my favorite is My English Garden, no. 123. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I am a regular follower of your blog :)

Deanna said...

I follow QuiltStory. Wouldn't miss it. Your "Fabric Tuesday" is my very favorite linky party.

hueisei said...

I like the Sugar Pop line :)

hueisei said...

I am a follower via GFC!

hueisei said...

I follow Annie's blog Originate and Renovate.

hueisei said...

I "Like" Sew Obsessed on Facebook.

AnnieK said...

Heather Bailey's Pop Garden is faboo!

AnnieK said...

I've been following you :-)

AnnieK said...

I follow seeing what she wears. :-)

AnnieK said...

Sew Obsessed is "liked" on my FB.

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

I follow your blog!

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

I also follow the Originate and Renovate blog!

Dawn W said...

I follow you here on the blog, and in heart with all my fabric overflowing in the closet.

Dawn W said...

The sugar pop line is fun!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of yours.

Anonymous said...

Fairy tale garden is awesome bright and cheerful love it.

twelve30 said...

I love the Zoology print fabrics. Thanks for a chance to win.

twelve30 said...

I already follow your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.

Stephanie said...

I am a follower. Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway.

twelve30 said...

I'm already a follower of Annie's blog.Thanks for a chance to win.

Stephanie said...

I went to Sew Obsessed. I LOVE Anthology Folk Life Box Set.

Stephanie said...

I'm following Annie's blog.

Stephanie said...

I "like" Sew Obsessed on Facebook.

Mini MNM's said...

I went to Sew Obsessed and I think that the Michael Miller Cupcake Party is so cute!

Mini MNM's said...

I follow your blog already!

Mini MNM's said...

I already follow Annie's blog!

Barb said...

I follow Quilt Story!! Everyday I check in to wee what is new.

Barb said...

I also love Bucky, the Bucking Bronco.

Kulla Klan said...

That fabric is so cute! I follow your blog.

Kulla Klan said...

Hard to choose a favorite but I really like the Moda Lily and Will fat quarter bundle.

Snoodles said...

I follow your blog!

Snoodles said...

Sugar Pop is awesome, in their shop! Love it!

Snoodles said...

So glad you pointed us to Annie's blog! What a cutiepie, her lil guy dancin'! Love the button pouch she showed a tut for!

SoSarahSews said...

I like the Habitat collections they have.

SoSarahSews said...

I'm a QuiltStory follower

Teresa said...

I'm a follower! teresa(dot)mower(at)gmail(dot)com

Teresa said...

I love the Michael Miller Bicycles fabric :)

Doris said...

The Moda "It's a Hoot" Green flowers... and that Heather Bailey crush of your's, great fabric--it's in my stash!

Doris said...

I follow you in Google Reader

Delores said...

I am a follower and would LOVE to win. I have two grandsons, so this would be perfect.

Delores said...

I really LOVE the Michael Miller Bicycle Fabric!
Would love to win your giveaway.

Rebecca said...

I'd love to make some aprons with that Cupcake Party print :)

Rebecca said...

I follow :)

Rebecca said...

I follow Annie's blog :)

Rebecca said...

I'm a Facebook fan :)

JustPam said...

I like I's a Hoot and plan to make a quilt for my granddaughter with this fabric.

JustPam said...

I follow Annie's blog

Marcia W. said...

I already follow originate and renovate blog.

Marcia W. said...

I already follow your quiltstory blog.

All Things Beautiful said...

Oh, my goodness that is not a fare question. I love it all! Candy shop, In transition, I don't know where to begin or where to stop. There is just so much lovelies. If only I had a never ending craft budget. ;-)

All Things Beautiful said...

I'm already a follower.

All Things Beautiful said...

I follow Annie's blog.

Marcia W. said...

I like the Kaffe fabrics such as

Mommarock said...

Oooooh! Michael Miller's Candy Shoppe! Wowwww!

Mommarock said...

I am a follower here of course :)

Marcia W. said...

We already liked sew obsessed on FB. Look for the butterfly. Margaret and Marcia. mlwright29(at)hotmail(.) com

Mommarock said...

I liked Sew Obsessed Fabrics on Facebook

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I like all versions of the Storybook line.

Sallie said...

I love Flowers in Brown. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sallie said...

I'm already a follower. Thanks!

Sallie said...

I like Sew Obsessed on FB.

Melissa said...

I follow!

Melissa said...

So much cute stuff on sew obsessed. I think the Windham's Feedsack and Storybook Collection is my fav, but I also like the Pirate Pups!

Alisa said...

I like Michael Miller's Bicycles and more prints.

Alisa said...

I follow you!

Alisa said...

I like Sew Obsessed

Ng said...

Hi, I like Michael Miller's Candy Shop. It's so sweet and cute ! Thanks for the giveaway. joyenwen(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)sg

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Well I hate to say my favorite is Michael Miller's Candy Shop, because I saw several people had said that also. But that's my favorite!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm already a follower.

Debbie said...

I like the Michael Miller TA Dots!

Debbie said...

I've been a follower of your blog.

Debbie said...

I am now following Annie's blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the Sarah jane embroidery patterns!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow Originate and Renovate too!

Anonymous said...

I already like sew Obsessed on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower of your blog :)

Kira said...

I like Soul Blossom by Amy Butler.

Kira said...

I follow here.

Anonymous said...

i've visit sew obsessed n i love dis fabrics:
1)Moda sugerpop brown lolipops/1806118
2)Dots in Blue/DW48 blue
3)Moda Punctuation Marks Cream/2140218
-it's obvious that i'm obsessed with blue? ;)-

Anonymous said...

i've followed annie's blog too~

Linda V said...

I love Michael Miller's In Transit! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda V said...

I am already a follower, which is how I found out about this giveaway! Thanks again.

Linda V said...

I am a new follower of Originate and Renovate.

Linda V said...

I liked Sew Obsessed Quilts on FB. Thanks!

Janet said...

I LOVE the Colour Splash line.

Janet said...

I follow your blog.

Mom2RyandSis said...

My favorite item right now was Michael Miller's Candy Shop too cute!!

Mom2RyandSis said...

I like Sew Obsessed on FB!!

Mom2RyandSis said...

I follow here. Thanks

Bethany said...

The Darla Jumper is just precious.

SzycieUli / UlaSewing said...

I'm follower :)

WandaFish said...

I follow your lovely blog :)

WandaFish said...

I'm now following Originate and Renovate :)

SzycieUli / UlaSewing said...

I love Michael Miller's Three Bears. Teddy Bears are the best :)

WandaFish said...

I like Sew Obsessed on facebook.

chefpa said...

David Walker's "Dogs Big and Little" in blue

chefpa said...

I am a follower of your blog.

krislovesfabric said...

I am a follower, thanks for the chance!

pinsandneedles said...

I love how the pattern Swiss Miss Quilt just jumped out at me...I love red and white! I also love on Michael Miller's Bicycles and more. Thanks for a chance to win!

pinsandneedles said...

I'm a follower here!

yorkie mom said...

I'm a follower of Quilt Story!

yorkie mom said...

I follow Annie's blog!

yorkie mom said...

I love the 50's kitchen fabric! very retro!!

Jessica said...

I like the urban life quilt pattern
Thanks for the giveaway!

jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica said...

I'm already a sew obsessed follower :)

jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica said...

I am now a follower of Originate and Renovate

jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica said...

I "liked" sew obsessed on facebook :)

jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I love the Anthology Folk life box!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Im a follower!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I follow Annie's blog! Great tutorials!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I liked on facebook!

Laura said...

I'm a follower!

Laura said...

I love the sugar pop!

Kathy H said...

I am a follower of originate and renovate. She made some really cute dresses.

Kathy H said...

Lots of nice fabrics and patterns at sew obsessed. My favorite is the Michael Miller, bicycles.

Becca said...

MM Baby Bears is my favorite item for sale today! Oh the ideas keep coming! Great giveaway.

Becca said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Becca said...

I just became a follower of Originate and Renovate.

Becca said...

I "liked" Sew Obsessed on FB.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE transit! I am going to buy it if I don't win it...I have something in mind for it!

Anonymous said...

I am your newest follower!

Anonymous said...

I liked them on FB!

Anonymous said...

I'm following Annie's blog!

robin said...

I like the 1/2 yard bundle of Windham's Feedsack and Storybook collection. :)

robin said...

I'm already following the Originate and Renovate blog. :)

robin said...

I like Sew Obsessed on FB.

Vesuviusmama said...

Some boy stuff to add to my stash would be GRAND! I'm surrounded by them, and woefully outnumbered. The Anthology Folk Life Box Set on the Sew Obsessed website definitely caught my eye!

quiltzyx said...

Well, I managed to narrow it down to 2 favorites: the Moda Punctuation Marks in cream & the Michael Miller 50's Kitchen!

Thanks for the chance!

quiltzyx said...

I'm a follower. :D

Emily said...

I love the Storybook Like

Emily said...

I follow your blog.

Emily said...

I "like" Sew Obsessed!!

Dawn said...

I am a follower!

Dawn said...

Poppy Bouquet in lime yardage!! Beautiful!

Dawn said...

I now "like" Sew Obsessed.

Jennifer said...

I just LOVE Alexander Henry's Pirate Pups!! I think it's my favorite fabric!!!! :-)

Jennifer said...

I'm a follower!

Jennifer said...

I'm following Annie's Blog! :)

Jennifer said...

I liked Sew Obsessed on Facebook! :-)

allsewnup said...

Michael miller's Bicycles! So fun.
Thank you for the chance


Carla G said...

I love the colors of Color Splash by Art Gallery. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Carla G said...

I'm already a follower of Quiltstory via gfc. :)

Carla G said...

I follow Originate and Renovate via gfc!

Carla G said...

I like Sew Obsessed on facebook!

Caz@theaccidentalquilter said...

I love the Michael Miller Groovy line! Would go really well in my sons room. I am a follower!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like Windham's Storybook Collection!
Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway!
Happy quilting!

Liz said...

Definitely the Nicey Jane 1/2 yard bundle!

Liz said...

I'm a follower of Quiltstory!

Mary Ann said...

Oh, I can only choose ONE item?/ But there is so much there that I love. OK, OK... the Michael Miller Candy fabric, because it reminds me of the game. And I'm a sucker for anything retro.

Unknown said...

Love the pirate Pups by ah

Lee said...

I love Michael Millers Bicycles! thank you!

Lee said...

i follow originate and renovate~!

Lee said...

I follow quiltstory also! thank you.

Mary Ann said...

I'm a follower of this lovely blog!

Viviana said...

Hi!!I follow your blog, I love fabrics!!!like you....I love Michel Miller?s super hero in blue, I´m mother of two kids.. kisses