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Monday, January 31, 2011

FABRIC TUESDAY #22 Seriously!

Hello again! Welcome back to fabric Tuesday!  

Megan told you about her brush with the stars. She forgot to tell you the best story.  About 7 years back, our parents lived in southern California. Megan and I were taking a little Hollywood vacation. It was a funny funny night. We ate pizza on a sidewalk 10 feet from a homeless man as we watched an ambulance take someone out from a club. We were hoping it was a star.  Then we thought we would go check out the Ivy because celebrities are always there.  I was infront of Megan and suddenly turned around and freaked out. I was giggling, and crossing my legs so I wouldn't pee (give me a break, I had just had a baby.) Megan was dying because I couldn't compose myself to talk. Finally I uttered the words " It is Dawson Leery"  from Dawson's creek. And yes, I did actually say Dawson Leery, and  not his real name James Vanderbeek.  Megan hurried past me to get a look. It was really funny and awesome!

 Okay, back to some relevant info. This is the quilt I made with Aunt Bea's fabric pile from a few weeks ago.

 I made it for my niece Hannah. (I hope the other kids don't expect one, because I have 35 nieces and nephews. (on this side alone!)  She loves green and blues. And I think she loved this quilt.
I did an all over stipple I was happy with. It is the largest quilt I have quilted on my own.  I am really happy with it.

The sad news is Aunt Bea's fabric shop is closing.  The good news is 


edited to add: Megan posted on Fresh Poppy Design, a sneak peek at her kitchen re-do and one of our new patterns, so make sure to take a peek!

Edition 22
Link up a recent craft project that uses fabric...if you're new don't be shy!  This is for everyone.  Click the button to add your link at the bottom and link up a recent blog post where you used fabric to create or enhance something. Below are a few "rules" to play.

Mention us in your post with either a link or make it easy and add the button to your blog sidebar and you won't have to remember each week. ***You can take either our blog or our Fabric Tuesday buttons on the sidebar.***
Most everyone does this, but please actually mention that you are linking up to Quilt Story in your post...even if you have the button on the sidebar there needs to be mention in the post :)  We've just seen a couple where we can't see any button or link to us and then we scroll way way down and there's the button...we want to make sure everyone knows so everyone can play!  Thank you!!

You don't have to do this to link up, promise. However if you want to follow us, we follow back :) But please comment telling us you did so and we will hop right on over and make sure we're following too!

And how about we each take time to comment on the link just before yours, that's easy enough right? We'd love for this to be a linky party where everyone gets comments, so if you take the time to look, take a second to leave a comment!

What have you been up to?!?



CJ said...

I'm a follower! :) Ready to link up as soon as it is Tuesday!

CJ said...

BTW- GORGEOUS quilt! Hannah is one fortunate niece.

Jessica said...

I'm a follower! Love reading your blog!

SewSara said...

ooooh i lovity love lover it! those colors are awesome and like i said, i rarely buy those colors (you know me - always drawn to reds/pinks/oranges) but i should because i love how that turned out!!

i know i linked to the unfinished monster quilt last week but now it's finished so i'm linking to it again - forgive!?

Anonymous said...

Hello! That quilt is adorable! I love all those colours and the pattern! I have just had those shapes in my mind. Thank you for sharing!
Sunny wishes! Teje

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

That quilt is very beautiful...greens and blues are my favorite! It came out great, I would love to try a pattern like that in the future!

Mary said...

Love the way the finished quilt looks! Great job, I might have to go buy me one of those squares :)

Riel Nason said...

Thanks for hosting. Love fabric Tuesday. Happy to be following along.

Leslie said...

this quilt is so beautiful...those colors and the pattern are stunning.

J.J. said...

That quilt is amazing! What pattern did you use? I a have some really great scraps that need to be used up. That is just what I have been looking for. So cute!
Love your blog!

Rachel said...

What fun! I'll definitely be following along and adding you to my blog list.

LOVE your quilt. Wow!

Funky's Mama said...

First-time FT-er, so be gentle please (mine is #25). I love seeing all the variation in what folks are doing!

Also, I was already a follower.

LisaAnn said...

I'm a follower! I love linking to Fabric Tuesday since the first time I heard of it. That is my new timeline. If I start something I always think to myself, "Can I get it done for next Fabric Tuesday?!" Love all the submissions, this is one of my greatest sources of inspiration, thanks!

Neoma said...

Of course I'm a follower! I love your blog! And I think your wonderful quilt matches the backgrond of the blog very nicely! ;)